Advertised Development Applications

image of the view looking over to the Seaport peppers hotel and custom house


View all current development applications in the Launceston municipality.  

Our Planning Officers are available for discussion 10am to 4pm weekdays via 6323 3220.

Current Notice of Amendments

Launceston Local Provisions Schedule - PSA-LLP0012

Notification of application under Sections 40G & 40H of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993  

PSA-LLP0012 (RE-Advertised)

Draft Amendment PSA-LLP0012 to the Tasmanian Planning Scheme - Launceston Local Provisions Schedule proposes:  

a. to insert 11 property datasheets for existing listings within Appendix A: Local Historic Heritage Code Datasheets; and 

b. add 38 new properties to the local heritage listings within LAU-Table C6.1 Local Heritage Places; 

c. create 38 new datasheets within Appendix A: Local Historic Heritage Code Datasheets; and 

d. introduce 38 new properties into the local heritage listing place overlay map.  

The Draft Planning Scheme Amendment documents are available for viewing during normal business hours at the City of Launceston offices from 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday at 18-28 St John Street, Launceston.

These documents may also be viewed and downloaded below.

Representations can be made in writing to the City of Launceston from Monday 2nd December 2024, until close of business on Thursday 9th January 2025.

Written representations in accordance with Section 40J should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer at PO Box 396, LAUNCESTON TAS 7250, or by email to

The full content of your representation may be included in subsequent reports (noting this may make it available for public access) if the application is presented at a public Council meeting for consideration. It is therefore the responsibility of the author to address matters arising out of the proposal in a way that is factual, fair and reasonable and not defamatory against any person.

Please provide phone and/or email contact details with representations.  

For further information, please call 03 6323 3220.  

Please use the links below to download all documents for this proposal:

1.-PSA-LLP0012-Certified-Instrument-1.pdf(PDF, 5MB)

2.-PSA-LLP0012-Certified-Instrument-2.pdf(PDF, 390KB)

3.-PSA-LLP0012-Certified-Instrument-3.pdf(PDF, 16MB)

4.-PSA-LLP0012-Certified-Instrument-4.pdf(PDF, 10MB)

5.-PSA-LLP0012-Council-Meeting-Minutes.pdf(PDF, 603KB)

6.-PSA-LLP0012-Planners-Council-Report-A.pdf(PDF, 3MB)

7.-PSA-LLP0012-Planners-Council-Report-B.pdf(PDF, 3MB)

8.-PSA-LLP0012-Examiner-Advertisment.pdf(PDF, 59KB)

Launceston Local Provisions Schedule - PSA-LLP0014

Notification of application under Sections 40G & 40H of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993  

Ref: PSA-LLP0014 (Re-Advertised)

Draft Amendment PSA-LLP0014 to the Tasmanian Planning Scheme - Launceston Local Provisions Schedule proposes:  

  1. Rezone 3.9ha of land from Light Industrial to Low Density Residential at 30 Merino Street, Kings Meadows; and
  2. Insert the priority vegetation overlay map over the rezoned land area. 

The Draft Planning Scheme Amendment documents are available for viewing during normal business hours at the City of Launceston offices from 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday at 18-28 St John Street, Launceston.

These documents may also be viewed and downloaded below.

Representations can be made in writing to the City of Launceston from Thursday 19th December 2024, until close of business on Tuesday 28th January 2025.

Written representations in accordance with Section 40J should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer at PO Box 396, LAUNCESTON TAS 7250, or by email to

The full content of your representation may be included in subsequent reports (noting this may make it available for public access) if the application is presented at a public Council meeting for consideration. It is therefore the responsibility of the author to address matters arising out of the proposal in a way that is factual, fair and reasonable and not defamatory against any person.

Please provide phone and/or email contact details with representations.  

For further information, please call 03 6323 3220.  

Please use the links below to download all documents for this proposal:

1.-PSA-LLP0014-Planners-Council-Report-A.pdf(PDF, 6MB)

2.-PSA-LLP0014-Planners-Council-Report-B.pdf(PDF, 6MB)

3.-PSA-LLP0014-Natural-Values-Report.pdf(PDF, 9MB)

4.-PSA-LLP0014-Signed-Zoning-Instrument.pdf(PDF, 298KB)

5.-PSA-LLP0014-Signed-Overlay-Instrument.pdf(PDF, 317KB)

6.-PSA-LLP00014-Council-Minutes.pdf(PDF, 965KB)

7.-PSA-LLP00014-Consent.pdf(PDF, 182KB)

8.-PSA-LLP00014-FolioPlan.pdf(PDF, 97KB)

9.-PSA-LLP00014-FolioText.pdf(PDF, 10KB) 

Launceston Local Provisions Schedule - PSA-LLP0024

Notification of application under Sections 40G & 40H of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993

Ref: PSA-LLP0024 (Re-Advertised)

Draft Amendment PSA-LLP0024 to the Tasmanian Planning Scheme - Launceston Local Provisions Schedule proposes: 

  1. Add 64 Robin Street, Newstead, local heritage listings within LAU-Table C6.1 Local Heritage Places;
  2. Create one (1) new datasheet within Appendix A: Local Historic Heritage Code Datasheets; and
  3. Add 64 Robin Street, Newstead into the local heritage listing place overlay map.

The Draft Planning Scheme Amendment documents are available for viewing during normal business hours at the City of Launceston offices from 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday at 18-28 St John Street, Launceston.

Representations can be made in writing to the City of Launceston from Thursday 21st November 2024, until close of business on Thursday 19th December 2024.

Written representations in accordance with Section 40J should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer at PO Box 396, LAUNCESTON TAS 7250, or by email to

The full content of your representation may be included in subsequent reports (noting this may make it available for public access) if the application is presented at a public Council meeting for consideration. It is therefore the responsibility of the author to address matters arising out of the proposal in a way that is factual, fair and reasonable and not defamatory against any person.

Please provide phone and/or email contact details with representations.