Kerbside Collection Services

The City of Launceston aims to provide efficient, reliable and sustainable recycling and waste services to meet the needs of the community. 

The City of Launceston provides regular kerbside waste collection to all homes in the General Collection Areas for: 

 Type  Lid colour      Collection
 General waste  Red  Weekly
 Household recyclable items  Yellow  Fortnightly
 Food Organics and Garden Organics products (FOGO)      Green  Fortnightly*  
*registration required. 


Outside of the regular kerbside service, Council also offers:

  • Hard waste collection
  • CBD collection - The Central Business District (CBD) is not in the General Collection Area. Waste and Recycling services are available as an opt-in and offer a collection service to resident, commercial businesses and offices in the CBD, incurring an annual fee.  To find out more and register for CBD kerbside bin collection, click here.

Did you know: All kerbside bins, provided by Council, are manufactured with recycled plastic.


Kerbside Collection FAQ's

When will my bins be collected?

Across the whole of the municipality, contractors will collect bins between 6 am to 6 pm on your allocated day. Please ensure bins are out prior to the collection window. 

To determine your kerbside collection schedule, either:


Using the Kerbside Collection Map

Simply type in your address to the search bar or click on your location on the map below.



Why was my bin not collected?

The most common reasons for missed collections include:

  • Bins placed on the kerbside after 6am
  • Bins were not visible to the driver (possibly blocked from view by a parked car)
  • Overflowing bin (the lid must be closed)
  • Wrong bin placed out for collection - see previous FAQ for information on collection days
  • Bin was deemed to be contaminated - see section below for information on acceptable waste types for each bin

If your bin hasn't been emptied by 3pm on your normal collection day, and none of the above applies, please contact the Customer Service Centre on (03) 6323 3000.

To report any issues or if you have any queries with the collection service, please contact us

What can and cannot go in each bin?

General waste
 ✔️  ❌
 Items that can be placed in the bin  Items that cannot be placed in the bin
  • Normal household waste
  • Small amounts of garden waste   
  • Wrapped animal droppings
  • Nappies (single use)
  • Textiles
  • Cigarette butts
  • Cardboard (waxed)
  • Hot ashes
  • Oil
  • Paint
  • Chemicals
  • Solvents or other liquids
  • Heavy builders' rubble
  • Car parts
  • Large timber
  • Metal pieces
  • Concrete
  • Bricks
  • Asbestos or other hazardous materials
  • Batteries
  • Sharps


Household recycling
Items that can be placed in the bin Items that cannot be placed in the bin
  • Cans (including empty paint and aerosols)
  • Glass bottles
  • Paper (not shredded)
  • Aluminium foil (scrunched)
  • Cardboard (not waxed, clean)
  • Plastic containers
  • Metal and plastic lids (larger than 8cm in diameter) 
  • E-waste
  • Textiles
  • Bagged items
  • Polystyrene
  • Soft plastics
  • Nappies
  • Paint
  • Green waste
  • CDs and DVDs
  • Car engines
  • Batteries
  • Tetra packs (including long-life milk and juices)
  • Sharps
  • Coffee pods
  • Lids (smaller than 8cm in diameter)

Items that can be placed in the bin Items that cannot be placed in the bin
  • Garden organics
  • Paper (shredded)
  • Tissues
  • Soiled cardboard (e.g. pizza box) 
  • Food scraps
  • Grass clippings
  • Sharps
  • Gardening equipment (e.g. hoses)
  • Nappies
  • Plastic (e.g. food packaging)
  • Cans
  • Glass
  • Textiles
  • Oil

Download the A-Z Guide to Recycling and Waste here.

My wheelie bin has been stolen, how do I get a replacement bin?

If your bin has been stolen, you can complete the online Request to Replace a Stolen Wheelie Bin form or contact the Customer Service Centre on 03 6323 3000.


Can I change the size and/or number of bins at my property?

Yes, residents can opt to adjust the size of their waste bin and the quantity of both the waste and recycling bins, for an administrative fee and amendment to their annual rates charge.

Applications can either be lodged by contacting the Customer Service Centre on (03) 6323 3000 or by completing and returning one of the following forms:

Request to Change Wheelie Bin Size

Request to Change Quantity of Wheelie Bins

Residents can also apply for additional FOGO bin(s), for a one-time charge per bin, either online here or over the phone on (03) 6323 3000. Currently, the FOGO bins are only available as a 240-litre bin.

What can I do if my bin is full prior to my collection day?

If you regularly overfill your bin(s), please see the above section regarding changing the number/size of bins at your property.

If you have filled your bin prior to collection day, and it is not a frequently recurring event, you are eligible to request an additional collection for a fee. To arrange this, please contact customer service on (03) 6323 3000.

Alternatively, you can take excess waste to one of our waste centres and pay for its disposal there.

How do I register for a service at my newly constructed property?

Can I get assistance with my kerbside collection as I am unable to handle them myself?

The City of Launceston provide a driver assist service for eligible people with disabilities or injuries. If your residence is 20 metres or less from the road and you don't have someone living with you who is capable of putting your wheelie bin out, you may be eligible for this service.

Please contact us to find out if you're eligible. Once you know you are eligible for the service, please complete the application form to register for the service.