Roads and Transport

Illuminating town hall at night time with colored lighting

Our Roads and Traffic team administers the strategic planning, traffic and parking management, road safety and asset management for this infrastructure.

The City of Launceston is responsible for the following road infrastructure:

Urban roads


Rural roads




Kerb and channel


Total bridges


The management of our road infrastructure is undertaken in line with the following four principles:

  • Safety: Ensuring our road network is safe for all users.
  • Efficiency: Making the best use of our road network to transport people and goods.
  • Sustainability: Managing increasing demands on network and resources.
  • Equity: Providing a fair and balanced outcome for all members of our community.

These principles align with the broader Vision, Purpose and Values of the City of Launceston.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ's)

Current & upcoming road closures

A list of approved road closures on the City of Launceston's roads can be found on our Current and Upcoming Works page.

Tasmania Police advise of road closures due to extreme weather and other emergency events, see Tasmania Police Community Alerts.


Public transport

Launceston's public transport includes an extensive public and private bus service operating in and around the city and suburbs.

Metro is Launceston's major city and suburban public transport provider. For longer trips throughout the state, Tassielink Regional Coaches and Redline Coaches operate an extensive timetable to most major Tasmanian towns.


Launceston's road network provides access to individual properties and facilitates the general circulation of the community.

The network is structured on a hierarchical basis comprised of arterial, collector and local roads. The arterial roads allow the community to move between regions on generally high capacity roads. The arterial network is maintained by Council and the Department of State Growth. 

Council is responsible for all roads within its boundaries except for State, private and forestry roads. View map of road responsibility

The Department of State Growth is responsible for connecting roads between Launceston and other parts of the state. These include the main carriageways of East Tamar Highway Northern Outlet and Goderich Street, West Tamar Highway, Midland Highway Southern Outlet, Bass Highway, Lilydale Road, Tasman Highway, Blessington Road and St Leonards Road. In some locations Council is responsible for footpaths on the edge of State Roads.

Council is responsible for most roads (including footpaths and cycleways) within its boundaries except for state, private and forestry roads. 

The term "private road" means any highway laid out on private property or road reservation that is generally intended for the use by the public and where such road is not maintained by the Council. See our parking page for information on our car park facilities around the city.

Road damage
Council is responsible for repairing road damage on its road network. See our current and upcoming works page for road repairs underway. To report problems regarding Council roads, please contact us

Street Lights
Launceston's street lighting system illuminates footpaths and some road intersections. TasNetworks maintain the streetlights and arranges for replacement of the bulbs when required. Street lights that are not working should be reported to TasNetworks on 132 004. This number is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Please note that street lights are programmed using a timer that is also managed by TasNetworks. For any enquiries regarding repairs to signs or replacement of new signs, please contact us

Road responsibility

Tasmania's State roads are those owned and managed by the State Government. The following roads are under the management and responsibility of State Government's Department of State Growth.

Any enquiries about these roads should be directed to the Department of State Growth:

  • West Tamar Road
  • Bathurst Street
  • Wellington Street (between William St and Frankland St)
  • Goderich Street
  • East Tamar Highway
  • Mowbray Connector
  • George Town Road (from East Tamar Highway to Lilydale Road)
  • Lilydale Road (from George Town Road to Prossers Road)
  • Pipers River Road
  • Prossers Road
  • Tasman Highway
  • St Leonards Road
  • Blessington Road
  • Southern Outlet
  • Midland Highway
  • Kings Meadows Connector

Approximately 40% of the roads in the Launceston municipality are private or user-maintained roads. These roads have historically functioned as shared driveways, or similar, and are maintained by the users of the road rather than State or Local government. If a property fronts onto a user-maintained road, this should be identified in the Section 337 certificate that is issued when the property is purchased.

All other public roads in the Launceston municipality are under the control of the City of Launceston. 

Road responsibilities are identified in the Launceston Council Map

Upcoming work

Information on works and upgrades to be completed by the City of Launceston can be found via our current and upcoming works page.


Traffic & congestion

Our major roadways are congested and it's only getting worse. Can't we just build more roads?

Building more roads is very expensive, and in mature cities like Launceston, there is generally no space to build more roads where they are needed. Increasing road capacity can sometimes achieve benefits but the priority should be on more efficient use of existing assets. We need to take a step back and realise that the purpose of our transport system is not to move cars and trucks, but to move people and goods.

Worldwide, it is no longer accepted practice to build roads to simply meet demand. The City and surrounds will grow and traffic demands will increase. We will be reliant on smart traffic management technology and efficient use of the road space through increased patronage of public and active transport modes to better manage traffic into the future.

The City of Launceston recognises that private vehicle travel will still play a major and important role in our transport network. However, there are a number of trips by many people that can be undertaken by active transport or by public transport, where the number of people we can move within the transport system is much higher than by private vehicle. The city intends to prioritise the road network for those that need it, and in line with our objective for a more sustainable and efficient use of our infrastructure, including:

  • Heavy vehicles and freight
  • Local shops / businesses
  • Public transport
  • Active Transport
  • Those members of public with accessibility issues; and
  • Emergency service vehicles

The Greater Launceston Transport Vision also identifies that a regional response is required for our neighbouring municipal areas that contribute to Launceston congestion.

The City of Launceston (and the Tasmanian Government) are committed to a number of initiatives to improve traffic management and make it easier to get around the City without using a private vehicle. These include:

  1. Launceston Traffic Signal Upgrade Project (already complete)
  2. Invermay Traffic Masterplan (partially complete)
  3. Launceston Bus Terminal development on Paterson Street
  4. Converting streets in the CBD to two-way traffic
  5. Launceston City Heart streetscape improvements and pedestrianisation
  6. Off-road trail network upgrades
  7. Shared micro-mobility trial (e-scooters / e-bikes)
  8. CBD Speed Limit Review
  9. Pedestrian Improvement Program

Traffic control, signage and line-marking

The City of Launceston's Roads and Traffic team manages and maintains a variety of devices and infrastructure to manage traffic on our roads. The ultimate objective is to ensure that we have a road network that operates safely and efficiently. To do this, there are a number of traffic control devices and traffic management treatments that can be used.

The selection of the appropriate traffic control device or traffic management treatment by our team needs to consider whether it is appropriate for the proposed use, the positive and negative impacts and how it may affect the broader road network.


Line-marking on roads can provide many functions, including delineating the centres and edges of roads, give way and stop controls and parking controls.

Whilst the City's road network and line-marking is relatively mature, there are still some cases where improvements can be made by modifying or installing new line-marking. We will consider requests for changes to line-marking, as long as the requests align with Australian Standards and best-practice guidelines.

The City of Launceston routinely reviews the condition of line-markings across the road network. Markings in need of renewal are prioritised and placed on an annual renewal program. Funding for line-marking renewal is limited, meaning that some line-marking renewals will be scheduled for a future year.

We will review requests for line-marking renewal and put them on the prioritised list if renewal is considered necessary.

Throughout our network, there are examples where road rules have been reinforced through the installation of additional road signs and line-markings. The installation of these is costly and unsustainable.

The City of Launceston will no longer reinforce road rules with signs and lines, including the following common examples:

  • Parking closer than 10m to an intersection, or 20m to an intersection controlled by traffic lights, unless otherwise signed (Road Rule 170) 
  • Parking across a driveway (Road Rule 198) 
  • When parallel parking, not leaving 3m clear width to a continuous centreline, traffic island or other obstruction (Road Rule 208) 


Can the City of Launceston install 'Keep Clear' line-marking outside my street or driveway?

Keep Clear line-marking will only be considered where a blockage would cause a safety problem, on major roads in the immediate vicinity of a traffic light controlled intersection or at an emergency vehicle depot, in accordance with Australian Standard AS1742.

Keep Clear markings shall not be primarily used to help motorists on a major road turn into a side road or driveway.

Overuse of ‘Keep Clear’ line-marking reduces the overall effectiveness of this traffic control device, including at locations where they are genuinely warranted. Keep Clear areas also decrease the efficiency of the road network if installed where they are unwarranted.


Road Humps

Road humps (or speed humps) are a form of traffic management used to reduce vehicle speeds on local roads. However, they can also come with some negative side effects such as reduced on-street parking, increased vehicle noise (through heavy braking, accelerating and suspension noises), increased reaction times for emergency vehicles and passenger discomfort, particularly for buses. 

Road humps can also be expensive to install and require significant changes to road infrastructure, with their use and design controlled through Australian Standards.

Whilst an effective treatment, they are rarely appropriate for many roads in our network and there are many other traffic calming measures that are considered first due to negative impacts that come with road humps.


Speed Limits

Speed limits are set and enforced to keep everyone safe, whether you drive, ride or walk. The selection of the appropriate speed limit for a road is a complex task, but considers the level and type of roadside activity, access and the road function. Speed limits can be considered where there are continuous geometric deficiencies, but are not an appropriate control for isolated issues or deficiencies.

Within Tasmania, default speed limits apply where there are no speed limit signs:

  • 50km/h in built-up areas
  • 80km/h on unsealed roads outside of built-up areas
  • 100km/h on sealed roads outside of built-up areas

Speed limits are the maximum speed that you are allowed to travel; they are not a target speed. In many cases the appropriate speed will be lower than the speed limit depending on things like the weather, the road alignment, how busy the road is, or whether it is light or dark.

The Transport Commissioner for Tasmania controls the selection of speed limits in Tasmania. For further information on what is considered when reviewing a speed limit, and how to submit a request, please visit: Changes to Speed Limits | Transport Tasmania

The City of Launceston will only consider supporting speed limit changes that match the road environment they will apply to, and that are in accordance with the Tasmanian Speed Zoning Guidelines found at Speed Limits | Transport Tasmania

The Launceston Transport Strategy includes an initiative for a speed limit review within the Launceston CBD.

Traffic Lights

Traffic signals are used to control traffic flow at busy intersections. In Tasmania, traffic signals are operated and maintained by the Department of State Growth.

Traffic signal faults, such as failure of the signal lights or vehicle detector, should be reported to the Department of State Growth on 1300 139 933 or by emailing

Requests for new traffic signals, or changes to the operation of traffic signals, can be requested through the City of Launceston. We will review these requests in line with our Transport Strategy and Network Operating Plans, and then liaise with the Department of State Growth to implement the requests that are appropriate.

For more information on how the Department of State Growth manages traffic signals, please visit


Parking is an essential facility at each end of a private vehicle trip. For most people, they park their vehicle within their property at home, though some park on-street near their home. We then need space to park our vehicles when we travel with them, whether this is for work, shopping, taking children to school or visiting someone.

Many destinations provide dedicated parking spaces for customers and staff, but others don't - relying on dedicated public off-street parking facilities or on-street parking. This can make parking a highly demanding commodity in some locations. However, recent studies show that sufficient parking stock is available to meet our current demands.

Parking is also required for specific purposes such as loading zones, bus zones, taxi zones and accessible parking bays.

On-street parking is a public resource and must be managed to best suit the needs of the whole community, taking into account all of the demands briefly discussed above.

For information on parking facilities provided by Council and their associated fees, reporting parking meter faults or for parking maps, visit our parking page.

Parking is controlled through various types of parking control devices. For instance, 'No Stopping' signs and yellow line-marking prohibit vehicles from stopping in a defined location, and 'No Parking' signs prevent them from parking in a defined location.

Timed parking places a limit on the time a vehicle can park in a certain location, and parking zone signs, such as loading zones and bus zones, restrict the types of vehicles that can use the parking space.

The Tasmanian Road Rules define the types of parking control devices used in Tasmania and what they mean. A copy of the Tasmanian Road Rules Handbook can be found at

Local street parking

Sometimes parking on both sides of my road blocks two-way traffic. Can the City of Launceston prohibit parking on one side?

Drivers are expected to comply with the road rules and must ensure that when parking their vehicle, 3m of clear roadway is maintained. The City of Launceston will not implement signs and road markings to reinforce these road rules in residential streets.

Many local roads within the City of Launceston and were built prior to current development guidelines, car ownership levels and travel behaviours. However, most are still wide enough to allow for parking on both sides and provide 3m of clear roadway for through vehicles, which is enough for vehicles, including emergency services, to drive through.

Some older local roads do not meet modern width requirements, and may require City of Launceston to impose parking restrictions to ensure that 3m of clear roadway remains for through vehicles.

Sparse parking along most local streets usually permits two-way traffic flow, but busy on-street parking can reduce access to one ‘through’ vehicle only. Drivers in these circumstances are expected to drive according to the road conditions, and will sometimes need to yield to an oncoming vehicle.


My street is congested and does not support two-way traffic at all times. Can the City of Launceston install indented parking or widen the road to improve this situation?

The installation of indented parking or widening roads is very costly, and in many circumstances unachievable due to our steep topography and limited road reserve widths.

The City of Launceston will only widen roadways in very rare circumstances. This will usually be driven by a significant increase in demand being placed on the roadway by nearby development. Typically, this is only on higher volume arterial and collector roads.


Commuters park in my street all day. There's nowhere to park for anyone else. What can the City of Launceston do about it?

The City of Launceston recognises that commuter parking within residential streets is a cause of frustration for residents. However, provided that parking is safe and un-obstructive, the City of Launceston considers this to be acceptable.

On-street parking is a public resource and cannot be restricted for exclusive use by adjacent residents.

The City of Launceston will no longer place time-restricted parking in residential areas unless the area is eligible for residential parking under our residential parking policy. 


Can I get a Residential Parking Permit?

If you live in a designated Residential Parking Permit Area, you can apply online for a permit through our parking forms page.


My road is narrow. Can I park my vehicle on the nature strip?

The Tasmanian Road Rules prohibit parking on a nature strip.

Vehicles parked on nature strips can:

  • Damage infrastructure (e.g. kerb and channel, subsurface drainage, vegetation, drainage pit lids, etc.)
  • Obstruct sight distance near private driveways and intersections
  • Obstruct the footpath or pedestrian traffic.

Vehicles parked on a nature strip may be fined by City of Launceston officers or Tasmania Police if they are determined to be breaking the Road Rules.


I have a large vehicle, trailer, boat, or caravan.  Can the City of Launceston restrict parking near my driveway so I can get my vehicle out?

Unfortunately it is not practical for the City of Launceston to set up parking controls that restrict parking within a typical residential street for the benefit of private, oversized vehicle access.

We would expect you to make your own arrangements to ensure that the road space you need is free. These include:

  • Park your own car in the critical space.
  • Let your neighbours know that you will need access to that part of your street.


Vehicles are parked across or overhanging my driveway. What can I do?

The Tasmanian Road Rules prohibit parking on or across driveways. The City of Launceston will not install parking controls, such as yellow lines or signage, to reinforce this rule.

If a vehicle is parked illegally near your driveway, call the City of Launceston Customer Service Team on 03 6323 3000. A notification will be passed on to our parking team and an enforcement officer may be dispatched to undertake an inspection of the area.


Can the City of Launceston prohibit parking near or opposite my driveway?

The Tasmanian Road Rules prohibit parking on or across driveways. The City of Launceston will not install parking controls, such as yellow lines or signage, to reinforce this rule.

It is typically not illegal (unless another rule is in force) to park opposite a driveway, or immediately adjacent to a driveway. In nearly all cases, sufficient space is available for a vehicle to use the driveway when vehicles are parked in these locations. The City of Launceston does not install restrictions to prohibit parking in these locations.


Can I park across or in my own driveway?

The Tasmanian Road Rules prohibit parking on or across driveways, even if it is your vehicle and your property.


Can the City of Launceston install parking bay markings near my driveway?

The City of Launceston will no longer install on-street parking bay markings or other parking guidance line-marking in residential areas. There is considerable cost associated with the planning, implementation and maintenance of these works at a network level, which would be compounded if the practice continues to be widely adopted throughout the municipality.

The City of Launceston will now only install parking guidance line-marking in exceptional circumstances, such as:

  • In commercial precincts that experience significant parking turnover
  • In industrial areas where older roads have been built to previous guidelines and line-marking is needed to ensure access for larger vehicles.
  • On arterial roads with high traffic volumes and higher speeds where a risk assessment has identified this need.

Line-marking within streets will be systematically reviewed as part of annual roadworks programs. For the reasons above, Council may remove markings in the future where there need is not justified.


People are parking too close to an intersection, can parking restrictions be installed to prevent this?

The Tasmanian Road Rules prohibit parking within 10m of an intersection. However, parking is permitted on the continuous side of a T-junction.

Local parking.gif

The City of Launceston will not install parking controls to reinforce these existing rules. Parking will continue to be permitted on the continuous side of a T-junction provided it is safe and unobstructive.


What can I do if someone is parking illegally on my street?

If you see anyone parking illegally, call customer service on 6323 3000 so that our parking officers can inspect. 

Shopping Areas and Business Parking

Parking restrictions nearby do not suit my business. Can the City of Launceston change the restrictions?

Parking within commercial precincts is generally strategically managed to the benefit of all land uses within the area and is not tailored to meet the specific needs of an adjacent business.

The City of Launceston will not support the change of a parking restriction for the benefit of a single business. The City of Launceston only considers altering short-term parking restrictions where it is demonstrated to suit the needs of the broader area.

The City of Launceston is currently developing a number of area-specific parking management plans to help us manage parking in-line with each areas needs and in-line with our strategic transport objectives.


I ride a motorbike and would like to see more spots allocated to motor bike parking. Can the City of Launceston install more?

A utilisation study undertaken recently has shown that the number of motor cycle parking bays provided in the Central Activities District is sufficient and at present, underused. The City of Launceston will not consider installation of any more motorcycle parks until a significant increase in demand is observed.


Micro-mobility such as e-Scooters and Personal Mobility Devices (PMD’s) are recognised as having potential to help progress the three major themes of the Launceston Transport Strategy 2020-2040. The three themes are; A Liveable Launceston, A Healthy Launceston, and A Connected Launceston.

This new form of transport is gaining traction globally, and in 2021 the Tasmanian Government advised its intention to legislate and legalise the use of e-Scooters in Tasmania. This type of commercial hire is known as rideshare, also sometimes referred to as Hire-and-Ride.

After a successful 12 month trial, Beam Mobility is currently maintaining its operations in Launceston.

Under the terms of the contract, Beam are responsible for all aspects of managing use of their products in the City of Launceston area. The City of Launceston has continued to monitor operations as part of the agreement. 

Learn more about e-Scooters in Launceston by viewing the dedicated e-Scooter webpage.

Street lights

The Southern Hemisphere's first electric street light was turned on in Launceston on February 1, 1896. Now there are more than 12,000 street lights across our municipality.

Street lights are placed along our roadways to increase night-time visibility, improving safety of all road users and improving amenity for pedestrians. Street lighting is particularly important where there are areas of conflict, such as intersections and formal pedestrian crossing points on a road.

Launceston's street light network is quite mature with most areas already adequately lit. However, from time-to-time gaps in this network are identified.

In new subdivisions or estates, the developer is required to install lighting that meets the relevant Australian Standards.


How do I report a faulty street light?

Street lights are maintained by TasNetworks. You can report any faults online at Tas Networks - Report a streetlight fault or freecall 132 004.

Lights in City of Launceston-owned car parks and parks are maintained by the City of Launceston. Faults with these lights can be reported to our Customer Service Team on 03 6323 3000.


Schools become very busy around the start and end of the school day, which can result in local traffic issues. Importantly, children are some of our most vulnerable road users and school locations can create a high volume of children on and near the road at these times.

In partnership with each school, the City of Launceston manages the local traffic to create a safe environment and to minimise the impacts to traffic flow as much as practicable.

This includes the installation of school speed limits, children and pedestrian crossing points and management of on-street parking.

The school is responsible for all traffic management and parking within the school grounds. If your request relates to anything on the school property, please contact the school.

Provision of school crossing patrol officers is the responsibility of the Department of State Growth in conjunction with the school. Requests for school crossing patrol officers should be referred to the Department of State Growth.

In any case, it is best to discuss your concerns with the school in the first instance. There may already be solutions on the way, or the school may have a plan for how they wish to address a certain issue.


School traffic is challenging. What can the City of Launceston do to make it better?

School traffic is challenging, there is no denying it. Parents and residents should, at all times, obey the road rules and parking restrictions in place and follow all instructions of crossing guards or enforcement officers. Illegal manoeuvres are dangerous and frustrate local residents.

There are other strategies that parents could consider that may alleviate aspects of this stressful environment, such as:

  1. Avoid peak periods of school drop-off;
  2. Car-pooling with a trusted friend, neighbour or fellow parent;
  3. Park further away in surrounding streets and walk to school;
  4. Walk or cycle with your child to school; and
  5. Use public transport where possible.

It should be noted, that while traffic around schools is challenging and at times, chaotic, accidents in school zones are actually rare.

The primary objective of parking restrictions and altered traffic conditions around schools is to allow students to access their place of learning safely and efficiently. Altered parking arrangements on the immediately surrounding streets will be considered to facilitate this primary objective.

All other areas surrounding schools will be considered regular suburban streets as documented in other sections within this FAQ. Other parking controls will not be considered in a unique way due to the presence of the school.


All-day student parking is having a negative impact on my residential amenity. Can the City of Launceston implement residential parking arrangements or other parking restrictions in my street?

The City of Launceston has an existing residential parking policy, which will be implemented if the surrounding residences are eligible under the scheme.

In the event that all-day student parking is having a negative impact on your residential amenity, we encourage you to contact the school in question. In these circumstances, it is important that all parties contribute to being a good neighbour and part of a functional community.

Speeding or hooning

Reporting speeding, hooning or dangerous driving

Enforcement associated with speeding, hooning and other anti-social driving behaviour is the responsibility of Tasmania Police. City of Launceston officers cannot issue infringements for speeding or impound vehicles for these offences.

To report dangerous driving, please visit: Report Dangerous Driving - Tasmania Police

Abandoned vehicle

If a vehicle has been left on the road outside your house for a period of time and you’re not sure who owns it, have a friendly chat with your neighbours. They may have friends or family staying with them.

Remember that anyone can park their vehicle on a public road, as long as it is registered and it is legally parked. You can check the registration status of a vehicle via the State Growth registration check.

Is the vehicle parked dangerously, burnt out or unregistered? Report it to Tasmania Police on 131 444 and provide them with the following details:

  • the vehicle’s exact location
  • how long the vehicle has been there
  • the vehicle’s make, model, colour and registration number.

If Tasmania Police deems the vehicle to be abandoned, they will arrange with City of Launceston or the Department of State Growth to have the vehicle removed. The vehicle’s last registered owner may have to pay the associated costs.

If the vehicle is not parked dangerously, burnt out or unregistered but is genuinely causing a nuisance, please email with the details described above and our Regulations Team will investigate.


Heavy vehicles

Heavy vehicles are a vital part of our transport system that allows our society to function by moving goods to where they need to go. Trucks generally stick to the major roads, but sometimes they need to deliver goods to residential streets as well.

If there is a genuine need for a heavy vehicle to use a street, the City of Launceston will not stop that access, unless we are concerned about damage to the road or other infrastructure.


What can I do about too many trucks using my street?

Heavy vehicle access is enforced by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator. Concerns about trucks being on roads they shouldn't be on can be reported to their confidential reporting line Heavy Vehicle Confidential Reporting Line (HVCRL)

For more information on which vehicles can use which roads, see the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator website.


What can I do about noisy vehicles on my street?

Noisy vehicles (especially if it is a recurring problem) can be reported to the Department of State Growth on 1300 135 513 or to Tasmania Police on 131 444. The City of Launceston may install a "Residential Area - Trucks Avoid Using Engine Brakes" sign depending on the circumstances, but these signs are not enforceable and don't tend to be very effective.


I am doing work on my house, but there is a load limit on the street. How do I get construction materials delivered if the truck is heavier than the load limit?

It is possible to get a temporary load limit bypass permit if you have a genuine need to access a street with a heavy vehicle. You can apply to the Department of State Growth for a permit via email to You will need a letter of support from the City of Launceston (as the road owner) to submit with the application.


There is so much road kill on our roads, can the City of Launceston reduce the speed limit or install signage, virtual fencing or lighting to reduce this?

Unfortunately, vehicular traffic causes wildlife injuries and fatalities across our road network both in residential and rural environments.

The most effective way to reduce the instances of wildlife injury and mortality on our roads is to limit, where possible, the amount of driving you undertake between dusk and dawn and also reduce the speed at which you travel during these times.

The installation of signage, virtual fencing or lighting is resource intensive and costly, with effectiveness varying. It is important to ensure that these improvements are targeted to ensure optimum effectiveness.

The City of Launceston is developing a roadkill management policy so that we can better manage our approach to roadkill reduction across our road network.

Our intention is that we will target areas where threatened and endangered species are being impacted by our road network. We want this to be a data-driven approach and will be looking to investigate roadkill removal data from our road crews and from community apps such as the 'Roadkill TAS App'. We encourage the community to report roadkill through this avenue so that we can target our interventions accordingly.

Download the Roadkill TAS app

Contact us

The City of Launceston receives many common questions. We have attempted to answer these frequently asked questions on this page to reduce the time it takes for you to get the information you're after. Please read through the relevant sections to see if your query is addressed.

If you have a query that is not addressed on this page, you can phone our Customer Service Centre on 03 6323 3000 or email


What happens after I contact the City of Launceston?

The City of Launceston aims to get back to you as soon as possible. Sometimes, requests will be technical in nature and require some analysis, or a more detailed review or site inspection may be required. In these cases it may take longer for us to resolve your query, but we will always keep you up to date on this.