Urban Greening: Hargrave Crescent, Mayfield

As part of the Urban Greening Strategy, the City of Launceston is committed to increasing tree canopy coverage from 19% to 40% in urban areas. Hargrave Crescent has been chosen as the first street for planting in Mayfield due to its proximity to the school, numerous bus stops, and connection to public places.

Planting works will commence on Wednesday, 3 July 2024.

We have begun marking the sites for tree planting and aim to create a consistent avenue along the street. Although, some locations may not be suitable due to the presence of underground assets.

You can find out more about greening Mayfield by visiting: https://tomorrowtogetherlaunceston.com.au/urban-greening-strategy/greening_mayfield

Thank you for your support and understanding as we work together to create a greener, more vibrant community.


Hargrave Crescent, Mayfield  7248  View Map

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