Sea Scout and Home Point Pontoons

The Sea Scout pontoon and Home Point pontoon restoration is underway.

The City of Launceston has engaged Sub41 to carry out repair works on the Sea Scout pontoon and refurbishment and repair works on the Home Point pontoon after they sustained damage during the October 2022 floods. Both pontoons are undergoing comprehensive repairs to ensure their structural integrity and resilience against future flood events.

The Sea Scout pontoon, utilised by the TS Tamar Australian Navy Cadets and the 1st Tamar Sea Scouts, suffered severe damage, necessitating extensive repair and upgrades. These repairs include the restoration of the damaged pontoon finger steel structure and the installation of additional anchors to enhance flood resistance.

Simultaneously, the Home Point pontoon, a vital hub for Tamar River Cruises, is undergoing refurbishment to address structural concerns identified in a recent assessment. The refurbishment involves the replacement of timber decking with FRP grating and the removal and reinstallation of various infrastructure elements.

Preliminary works were carried out on the Sea Scouts pontoon on 17 July 2024. These works were minor and did not involve any disruption to either motorists or pedestrians. They were boat-based activities with no on-land presence.

Sub41 will return to the site and resume work during the last week of August 2024.  All work on both pontoons is expected to be completed late October 2024. 

During the construction period, the Alexandra boardwalk will remain open to the public.   

Tamar River Cruises will continue operating throughout the project. However, during the Home Point pontoon renovation works the Cruises will be operating from the Sea Scouts pontoon.   


Home Point Parade, Launceston 7250  View Map

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