Traffic safety projects considered for Windermere and Swan Bay
Published on 29 April 2022
The City of Launceston will consider a number of traffic safety measurements for Windermere and Swan Bay at its meeting next week, including community consultation around speed limit reductions.
The Council will consider 14 traffic safety projects proposed for the 2022/23 financial year, following road safety concerns raised by residents in recent years. Proposed improvement projects include:
● Undertaking ongoing operational maintenance of drains and road edges in the Windermere Rd area
● Installing Give Way signs and road markings at the Sanwae Drive / Windermere Road junction
● Installing Give Way signs and road markings at the Los Angelos Road / Windermere Road junction ● Installing road name signage at Los Angelos Road / Sanwae Drive intersection
● Installing positive priority signage on the Windermere Road Bridge
● Installing Entry / Gateway signage to provide warning advice to drivers upon entry to the area
● Installing select, targeted geometric and pedestrian warning signage on Windermere Road
● Producing rural residential road design standards for new developments
● Introducing a right hand turn lane and side road island at the John Lees Drive / Windermere Road junction
● Undertaking community consultation and further consideration to introduce a 60kmh speed limit in Sanwae Drive
● Undertaking community consultation and further consideration to introduce a 60kmh speed limit in Sherborne Drive / Walford Rise area
● Undertaking community consultation and further consideration to reduce the 70kmh speed limit on Windermere Road to 60kmh
● Collaborating with bus service operators to determine high-use formal bus stops for provision of bus stop infrastructure, including signage and hard stands
● Collaborating with Tasmania Police to target enforcement of poor driver behaviour
Launceston Mayor Albert van Zetten said the proposed traffic safety projects followed planning and investigation works carried out by Council officers in response to community concerns.
"Residents in Swan Bay and Windermere have been proactive in raising road safety concerns with the Council and that has allowed our officers to determine a range of short-term actions that can be considered for implementation in the next financial year," Mayor van Zetten said.
"I want to thank those residents for meeting with Deputy Mayor Danny Gibson and myself, and for suggesting a range of priority issues that need addressing.
"The goal of the resulting proposed projects is to improve safety for all road users and I look forward to this matter being discussed by the Council at next week's meeting."