State election project advocacy list
Published on 06 March 2024
As part of the State election campaign, the City of Launceston is advocating for support for the following projects:
NTCA Sports Complex redevelopment
The City of Launceston is developing an NTCA Master Plan, which will deliver a fit-for-purpose redevelopment of the NTCA Sports Complex in Launceston. The project will provide expanded facilities to meet the needs and demands of the Northern sporting community, including some of the region's most popular and fastest-growing sporting codes.
Cataract Gorge infrastructure improvements
This project involves developing improved accessibility and visitor experience at the First Basin entrance to Launceston's Cataract Gorge. Investment is required to upgrade or replace ageing infrastructure and amenities. The project would include upgrades to existing walking trails and improved showering amenities, as well as future replacement options for the ageing Cataract Gorge inclinator.
CBD freight reduction
The City of Launceston supports efforts to reduce freight movements through the CBD. In recognition of the significant impact of heavy industrial transport on traffic congestion and the amenity of the city centre, the City of Launceston is eager to collaborate with stakeholders and other tiers of government to facilitate the future relocation of major transport hubs.
Playground renewal
The City of Launceston is seeking funding contributions towards upgrades of play equipment at City Park and Punchbowl Reserve. Play equipment in these two popular play areas is in need of renewal. Planned improvements include the installation of new equipment to suit a broad range of ages and styles of play.
The City of Launceston is currently undertaking community consultation on its draft Homelessness: Statement of Commitment strategic vision, which seeks a cohesive multi-agency approach to addressing homelessness in Launceston. The Council is advocating for additional engagement and investment from the State Government to address homelessness in Launceston, including through the provision of outreach workers, public education, crisis accommodation and mental health support services.
Lilydale Swimming Pool refurbishment
The City of Launceston is seeking funding support for a major refurbishment of the Lilydale Swimming Pool, including upgrades to pathways and grassed areas. The Lilydale Swimming Pool is an important asset for the Lilydale community, and these works will ensure the pool remains fit-for-purpose into the future.
Kings Meadows connector improvements
The City of Launceston is aware of congestion issues on the Midland Highway at the Kings Meadows connector during peak traffic periods. While the highway is not managed by the Council, the City of Launceston is seeking to work with a future State Government to secure safety improvements for road users.
Princess Theatre renewal
The City of Launceston is developing a master plan to guide future upgrades of the Princess Theatre and Earl Arts Centre complex. The Council is seeking funding support to undertake a significant renewal and upgrade project at the theatre to improve its accessibility and to functionality.
Flood mitigation strategy
The City of Launceston is seeking continued collaboration with the State Government for flood protection and recovery planning for the Launceston municipality. The Council is advocating for joint investment to develop a strategic analysis of future options to enhance the city's flood defence system.
kanamaluka / Tamar Estuary 10 year vision
The City of Launceston is seeking continued support for the 10-year vision for the kanamaluka/Tamar Estuary, developed in 2021 by the Tamar Estuary Management Taskforce. The 10 year vision sets the direction for the long-term recreational, community and cultural use of the upper kanamaluka/Tamar Estuary, with scalable options that can be implemented over time.
Lamont House renewal
The City of Launceston is planning to undertake a significant renewal of historic Lamont House, designed to make the building functional as an office space and training facility.
Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery
The City of Launceston is seeking funding support to attract new touring exhibitions, to assist in the establishment of future in-house exhibitions, and to undertake other works aimed at enhancing program content at the Museum and Art Gallery.
Northern suburbs urban greening
The City of Launceston is seeking support for an urban greening project in Mayfield. Mayfield has been identified as a high priority area in the Council's Urban Greening Strategy, given its lack of tree canopy cover. This five-year project would involve the planting of 1250 street trees, along with garden beds, in spaces like Torrens St Park, Hargrave Crescent Reserve, Mawson Place Park and Kennedy Street Park.
Youth initiatives
The City of Launceston is seeking funding and collaboration with the State Government to support child and youth engagement in Launceston, with the aim of increasing children's participation in decision making, and establishing new children's events and activities.
Events attraction
The City of Launceston is seeking support for increased events funding in the Northern region, with the goal of increasing the number of events on offer during Launceston's cooler months.
St Leonards Sports Complex master plan
The City of Launceston is seeking funding to develop a master plan for the St Leonards Sports Complex. The aim of the master plan is to determine the future needs of all users including athletics, hockey, croquet and BMX riders. The project will including potential upgrades of the building, toilets and in-field area.
Regional bus services
The City of Launceston is advocating for the State Government to provide a dedicated regional bus service facility prior to winter 2024 for users of inter-city bus services. Currently, users of inter-city bus services are waiting on the Charles St footpath, utilising a shipping container for shelter.
Transport accessibility
The City of Launceston is seeking commitments from the State Government to address transport accessibility issues in Launceston's Northern suburbs. The Council is eager to reduce challenges some members of the Northern suburbs community face when accessing and utilising public transport.
NTDC Regional Priority Projects
The Northern Tasmania Development Corporation has worked with Northern Tasmanian councils and other stakeholders to identify projects of importance to the Northern Region.