Say G'day on Bin Day
Published on 25 March 2022
A joint initiative from the Australian Red Cross, Relationships Australia, Australia Post and the City of Launceston will encourage Launceston residents to get to know their neighbours this Neighbour Day.
Neighbour Day 2022 will be held this Sunday, March 27, and to mark the event's 20th anniversary, a series of bin stickers have been designed encouraging neighbours to "Say G'day on Bin Day".
The stickers feature the tagline: "When neighbours know each other, our communities are safer and stronger", and were designed in collaboration with students from Kings Meadows High School as part of a City of Launceston Learning Site project.
The stickers will be distributed to homes in the northern suburbs, Youngtown and Kings Meadows.
Launceston Acting Mayor Danny Gibson said he hoped the stickers might spark new conversations over the fence.
"People who know their neighbours are generally less lonely, more resilient to natural disasters, and enjoy a better quality of life," Cr Gibson said.
"During the pandemic I think we've all had a tendency to be a bit inward focus, and I hope this initiative will serve as a reminder of the importance of getting to know your neighbours."
Learning Site Community Connector Sarah McCormack said the initiative was aimed at creating new community connections.
"We want people to feel comfortable saying 'hello' or waving to their neighbours," Ms McCormack said.
"This initiative is aimed at creating a greater level of connectivity in our community. COVID has been a tough time for many people so this is an opportunity to reach out and just say 'G'day'."
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