Record capital projects confirm a city building its future

Published on 04 October 2024


The City of Launceston has wrapped up a record year of investment in the municipality's infrastructure.


In total, the Council invested $28.5 million across 144 infrastructure projects in the last financial year, ranging from footpath upgrades to play equipment, and stormwater pipes to sports fields.


The $28.5m expenditure was up 59 per cent on the previous financial year, and represented the largest capital works program for the City of Launceston in the past seven years.


Expenditure on significant projects undertaken during the year included the Albert Hall upgrade and refurbishment ($5.3 million), the Birch Avenue facilities upgrades ($2.6 million), the

Launceston Tennis Centre upgrades ($670,000), the Newnham Creek stabilisation project ($433,000), Flood Levee improvements ($1.3 million), Road Safety Centre refurbishments ($650,000) and various works at the Launceston Waste Centre.


Additional highlights in the 2023/24 capital expenditure outputs included:


• $1.9 million resealing 21 roads

• $580,000 resealing 18 footpaths

• $230,000 on CBD public toilet improvements

• $115,000 on electronic car park signage

• $965,000 upgrading Hillside Crescent

• $450,000 on St Leonards Hockey Centre upgrades

• $852,000 on the Gorge Cliff Grounds sewage pump station

• $402,000 improving the Lilydale Football Club facilities

• $56,000 on the Flood Intelligence System


City of Launceston Mayor Matthew Garwood said the record investment demonstrated that Launceston was a city building its future.


"The capital works program we rolled out last financial year included some big ticket, transformative projects but importantly, it also included stack of projects relating to the infrastructure that we all use, but might not be front of mind like stormwater, flood protection, pavement resurfacing, and trails," Mayor Garwood said.


"All those infrastructure assets that lie beneath the surface, which we rely on every day for those basic essential services.


"This is a Council that wants to get stuff done.

"With only one year under my belt as Mayor, I'm incredibly proud and further energised as to what this Council term is going to achieve for our community."