Programme set to Ignite the Northern Suburbs
Published on 27 November 2020
An innovative pilot programme to cultivate local leadership skills in the Northern Suburbs has been rolled out by the City of Launceston.
The 'Ignite Us' program has been developed by Town Team Movement, in collaboration with the Council, the Northern Suburbs Community Centre, Starting Point Neighbourhood House Ravenswood and a number of other local community groups.
Mayor Albert van Zetten said that the aim of the program is to help build upon the strengths and resources of participants and help people wanting to make a difference in their community.
"Ignite Us is different from a standard leadership program as it is focused more on practical skills and developing the confidence of participants to “have a go”, rather than formal, content-driven programs," Mayor van Zetten said.
Some of the topics covered so far in the program include storytelling and communicating ideas, working from a strengths-based approach, discovering purpose and working in groups to lead projects.
The Ignite Us program began in October 2020 and will run through until March 2021.
It was developed to work in collaboration with other community development initiatives of the City of Launceston, including the Asset Based Community Driven Efforts (ABCDE) program.
“The idea for the Ignite Us pilot came from the City’s My Place My Future Plan, a Launceston City Deal initiative, and the ideas and experience of local community leaders," Mayor van Zetten said.
"Helping local people to take action to improve their local area is also part of the Council's COVID-19 Community Care and Recovery Package. "While we're now launching the program, the good news is that it’s still not too late to get involved. The more people who participate, the better"
Town Team Movement Cofounder and Ignite Us host, Dean Cracknell said that Ignite Us is a fresh approach to fostering more leadership in our communities.
"It is an inclusive, peer-to-peer style, with everyone contributing and learning together," Mr Cracknell said.
"If we can make it easier for people to lead actions to improve their local community, our region and society will be stronger."
The Ignite Us! programme is an initiative of the My Place My Future plan.
The My Place My Future Plan, an initiative of the Launceston City Deal, is a commitment to revitalise Launceston's Northern Suburbs.
The Launceston City Deal is a tripartite agreement between the Tasmanian Government, Australian Government and the City of Launceston.
More information on Ignite Us! can be found here