Out of the Shadows to spark new conversations on suicide

Published on 26 August 2022

Northern Tasmanians who have lost a friend or loved one to suicide are invited to take part in an early morning remembrance walk on Friday, September 9.

The Out of the Shadows walk will see participants taking a walk around Launceston's City Park, culminating in a short ceremony and conversation remembering those who have been lost to suicide.

Registered walkers will receive a candle and beanie, and breakfast muffins and refreshments will be available. The event coincides with World Suicide Prevention Day, which is marked the following day.

Launceston Mayor Albert van Zetten encouraged Northern Tasmanians to join him in taking part in the event.

"Out of the Shadows is aimed at sparking new conversations about suicide," Mayor van Zetten said.

"It's an opportunity to reflect on those who have been lost to us through suicide, and a reminder that there are many avenues of support open to people who may be struggling. "If you need someone to talk to, there are fantastic support services out there like Lifeline which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 13 11 14."

The Out of the Shadows walk will begin at 6am at the City Park Rotunda on Friday, September 9. People who would like to take part can register at outoftheshadows.eventbrite.com.au

The event is coordinated by the City of Launceston in partnership with Lifeline Tasmania.


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