Launceston well-placed to adapt to changing recycling markets
Published on 20 April 2018
Changes in recycling commodity markets across the globe will have little impact on Launceston for the foreseeable future, but Launceston Mayor Albert van Zetten says Northern Tasmanians should not become complacent about recycling.
While recent media reports have highlighted the challenge faced by some other local governments and waste management authorities across Australia, Launceston is well-placed to adapt to the changing international recycling market landscape.
"Northern Tasmania has lower recycling volumes and lower rates of contamination than some other parts of Australia, and this means we are generating recyclable materials which are very clean and of a higher standard," Mayor van Zetten said.
"Consequently, Launceston's waste contractor is able to supply both the domestic and international re-processing markets, and this means we won't face the same issues as some other Australian councils for the foreseeable future.
"Circumstances may change, of course, but for the foreseeable future we have confidence in our ability to continue to service the recycling processing markets with Northern Tasmania's recyclable materials.
"The clear takeaway message for Launceston residents on this issue is twofold.
"The best thing you can do to combat changes in global recycling markets is to recycle more and recycle better, right here in Northern Tasmania.
"The better we sort our recyclable materials, the more in demand our material is from processers in Australia and internationally.
"We have been very active over many years in reducing kerbside recycling contamination rates both through education and through an audit program that has audited more 60,000 recycling wheelie bins in the past five years.
"This allows us to identify individuals who may not be doing the right thing and to educate people on how they can do better with their household recycling.
"The vast majority of Launceston households are deeply committed to recycling and to reducing the environmental impact of their waste.
"That's because most people understand that recycling saves energy and resources, reduces greenhouse gases, and helps us divert materials away from landfill.
"The recent revelations about changes in international markets should prompt us to redouble our efforts to ensure our recyclable items are free from contamination, and anyone who has questions about that can find information on our website."