Feedback sought on draft transport strategy
Published on 11 May 2021
Public consultation has opened this week on the City of Launceston's new draft transport strategy, following a decision by the Council last month to release it for community feedback.
The draft transport strategy is designed to prepare the city for the transport challenges and opportunities that will arise over the next two decades, and to help assess, prioritise and guide future transportation projects.
It utilises a number of reports and strategies developed since 2009, including past consultation as part of the Tomorrow Together project, and aims to coordinate future transport initiatives from the City of Launceston, and other transport infrastructure authorities.
The strategy is based on the City of Launceston's overarching transport vision:
"Our community will have access to diverse transport choices that connect them to our places".
The draft transport strategy is based on three key themes:
A liveable Launceston
A healthy Launceston
A connected Launceston
Launceston Mayor Albert van Zetten said the draft transport strategy aimed to define the city's goals and objectives to help prioritise future transport projects.
"The draft transport strategy is not about specific transport projects, but instead about setting a vision and strategic framework for transport projects over the next 20 years," Mayor van Zetten said.
"It's about trying to identify the opportunities Launceston is likely to encounter in coming years in areas like active transport, public transport, micro-mobility transport alternatives, autonomous vehicles and more.
"As a local council, we have an important role to play in this area but we are not the only authority which manages roads, intersections or transport infrastructure in Launceston — this strategy is an opportunity to bring those different authorities and stakeholders together to identify common future goals and priorities.
"This consultation is an opportunity for Launceston residents to look at the draft strategy we've developed and to provide their feedback or suggestions on how we might do things differently."
The draft transport strategy is available on the Council's online consultation platform
The consultation will close at 5pm on Monday, June 7