Feedback sought on High St - Howick St proposal
Published on 06 February 2018
The City of Launceston is seeking the public's feedback on a proposal to improve pedestrian safety in High Street.
General Manager Michael Stretton said it was the Council's plan to install traffic signals on High Street at the Howick Street intersection.
"This intersection has been a concern within the community for a number of years, and has include several periods of local consultation and options analysis to develop an appropriate solution that meet the needs of all stakeholders" Mr Stretton said.
"This proposal ticks all those boxes in terms of providing a safe environment for our most vulnerable road users - pedestrians - particularly school-aged children who use High Street."
Mr Stretton said that there have been a number of near-misses involving cars and children in the area, particularly those vehicles pulling out of Howick Street on to High Street.
"There are also a number of challenges for vehicles travelling from Howick Street out on to High Street," Mr Stretton said.
"Not only is the approach difficult due to the gradient of the road, poor line-of-sight for motorists turning both left and right onto High Street means this is a particularly unsafe intersection."
Mr Stretton said that the proposal to install traffic signals at the Howick Street intersection would include two pedestrian crossing points - one on High Street and one across Howick Street.
"High Street is an extremely important route for Launceston motorists - it carries a large volume of vehicular movements on a daily basis. This will remain a priority stretch of road in terms of the timing of the traffic signals," Mr Stretton said.
"Ultimately, our priority is the safety of pedestrians - particularly school children in the area - and making this a much safer area for everyone."
Launceston residents can have their say on the proposal on the Council's community engagement site, Your Voice Your Launceston: