FOGO service returns to normal
Published on 23 March 2018
The City of Launceston is pleased to advise residents that fruits and vegetables are once again permitted in Launceston's FOGO bins.
As a precaution against fruit fly last month, the Council made some temporary changes to the service by asking residents to stop disposing of fruit and vegetables in FOGO bins.
While the Launceston municipality was — and still remains — outside Biosecurity Tasmania's fruit fly control area, the Council believed it was appropriate to take a precautionary approach until expert advice could be sought, and we sincerely thank FOGO users for their cooperation.
The Council has been working closely with the Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment, and has received advice from them this week that the FOGO service represents a low risk in terms of fruit fly distribution and can continue to operate as intended.
FOGO users are therefore once again welcome to include unwanted fruit and vegetable matter in their green-lidded bins.
However, it's important for residents to remain vigilant for signs of fruit fly, and to comply with the formal control areas set up by DPIPWE which are designed to restrict the movement, transport and supply of fruit and vegetables that host fruit fly.
Full information about fruit fly, what to look for, and how to report it, is available on the DPIPWE website at
Are you interested in FOGO, but haven't yet signed up? Click here to register.
FOGO users may also be interested to know that the City of Launceston has recently installed a new Mobile Aerated Flooring System at the Launceston Waste Centre, which is being used to break down the material collected from green-lidded bins across the municipality.
The MAF system comprises a series of pipes that pump warm air into composting material. In the right conditions, the composting heap can reach temperatures of up to 80 degrees Celsius!
The MAF system helps us neutralise pathogens and seed stock, and ensures a clean and high quality end product.