FIFA Women's World Cup a 'huge opportunity' for Launceston
Published on 26 June 2020
Launceston Mayor Albert van Zetten says news that UTAS Stadium could host up to three 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup matches was incredibly exciting for the city.
Following Football Federation Australia and New Zealand Football's successful joint bid to host the World Cup, Mayor van Zetten said UTAS Stadium was ideally placed to serve as the Cup's Tasmanian venue.
"This is a huge opportunity for Launceston, and for Tasmania," Mayor van Zetten said.
"It would be an opportunity to showcase to a global audience what a fantastic all-purpose sports facility UTAS Stadium is, with some of the world's best female soccer talent playing right here in Launceston.
"Along with the economic and tourism benefits the Women's World Cup will bring to Launceston, hosting these matches would also serve as an inspiration to new generations of Northern Tasmanian women, and encourage the take-up of the sport by new players.
"We believe UTAS Stadium is well equipped to host international sport of this calibre.
"It has the flexibility required for different sporting configurations, whether it's cricket, AFL football, or soccer.
"I'm thrilled at the support from the State Government and Football Federation Australia to realise this amazing opportunity for Northern Tasmania."