Council's priority list for State Election
Published on 22 April 2021
As outlined in the City of Launceston's Four Year Delivery Plan, the Council's priority projects for the May 1 State Election have already been identified for the major parties.
The new governance structure and redevelopment of University of Tasmania Stadium heads the Council's funding priorities, alongside the upgrade of the Princess Theatre, new drainage and lighting for the Birch Avenue soccer ground, CBD traffic flow improvements and upgrades to the NTCA Ground.
Launceston Acting Mayor Danny Gibson said the Council had begun work on developing the priority list late last year.
"The Council has had a clear line of sight over which projects it believes will be key to delivering for its community for some time," Cr Gibson said.
"This Council's priority projects will realise genuine benefits to a large number of people in our community - from sporting clubs, those in our arts and cultural sectors and motorists who frequent the CBD.
"And if they are picked up by the parties during this election campaign, they will also help boost our local economy significantly, not just int he short term but over coming years as well."
Cr Gibson said that the Council routinely talks to politicians across the political spectrum to keep them informed of our projects and initiatives, and this work continues during election campaigns.
Those priority projects are:
● The UTAS Stadium redevelopment ($209 million)
— This project seeks to increase the stadium's seating capacity to 27,500, create a new, 5000-seat indoor sporting and entertainment facility along with high performance facilities and a medical and allied health hub.
● Princess Theatre upgrade ($2.5 million)
— This project would allow us to consult stakeholders and user groups to help identify and prioritise future upgrades at the Princess Theatre, one of Launceston's most popular cultural facilities.
● Birch Avenue Sports Ground upgrade ($1 million)
— This project would allow us to install new drainage and lighting systems at this important sporting and recreational facility.
● Launceston City Heart Project Traffic Flow ($3 million)
— This project is aimed at improving traffic flow through Launceston's city centre, including traffic calming, streetscape beautification and directional changes.
● NTCA Ground Masterplan implementation - phase 1 & 2 ($3.1 million)
- This project includes the replacement of the NTCA ground no.1 playing surface and wicket block, the upgrade of the existing change and toilet facilities including bringing them up to modern female-friendly standards.
● Lilydale Recreation Ground ($300k)
- This project involves an extension of the clubrooms to provide internally located toilets, accessible toilets and a new veranda cover for the existing deck.
Cr Gibson said that there was important work happening behind the scenes to make the case for the projects and to allow political parties to make well-informed, evidence-based commitments.
In recent years, the City of Launceston's strategic lobbying has resulted in an unprecedented level of funding from the State and Federal Governments for a range of projects in Launceston, aimed at making our city a better place to live, work and raise a family.
"At the last Federal Election, for example, the City of Launceston was successful in lobbying for a five-year extension to the Launceston City Deal, support for a new Northern suburbs community hub, and funding for major upgrades at the Albert Hall," Cr Gibson said.