Consultation now open on building height limits
Published on 31 July 2018
The City of Launceston will ask for public input on building heights in Launceston, to help guide the scale of future development in the city and provide certainty to developers.
As part of the consultation, the Council will release a draft report — the Launceston CBD Building Height and Massing Study — which comprises an analysis of the central Launceston city area.
It also provides draft advice to the Council on how height and setback controls might be developed in the future, while also protecting the historic character of Launceston.
Launceston Mayor Albert van Zetten said it was clear developers were seeking to realise projects of greater height and scale.
"Thus, this is an important conversation for the community to have, because we want to respect the current scale and historic fabric of Launceston's streetscape, while giving certainty to people wanting to develop in the city," Mayor van Zetten said.
"This is an opportunity for the community to let us know what they think and what they believe is appropriate.
"There is no right or wrong answer here. This report is just one piece of the puzzle; another is the community's opinion. This consultation period is a real opportunity for the public to genuinely influence the outcomes."
The draft report breaks the city down into four distinct precincts, each with proposed limits for maximum height, precinct height and street-front height.
The four precincts are:
- Precinct A: The north-south corridor on the western edge of the city, aligned around the major one-way access roads
- Precinct B: River-front area
- Precinct C: City Centre area
- Precinct D: The southern fringe of the city
Precinct name
Maximum approvable height
Deemed to
comply height
Maximum height
at street front
Any project proposed in excess of the recommended height limits would require a public planning scheme amendment process.
Public consultation on building heights in Launceston is open on the Your Voice Your Launceston website. The closing date has been extended to Friday, September 7.