Consultation begins on future Relbia growth
Published on 21 December 2020
The City of Launceston is seeking feedback from Relbia residents about the future of their suburb.
Located to the south of the city in an idyllic rural setting, Relbia was identified in 2014's Greater Launceston Plan as a suburb which was likely to experience future residential growth.
The Council is undertaking a strategic review of Relbia to understand how future growth can be balanced against Relbia's existing unique qualities and character.
Following public consultation sessions held last year, the Council is seeking feedback on three scenarios of possible future growth in Relbia:
No change: Maintain current zoning pattern with no adjustment to subdivision minimum lot sizes.
Limited change: Generally maintain current zoning pattern for most of the area with some adjustment to subdivision minimum lot sizes in certain locations.
Substantial change: Identify precincts of land that could be rezoned to provide for low density residential with preservation of rural living zoning in between.
The Relbia Feasibility Study report has recommended the limited change approach be taken to future residential subdivision in the area, and the Council is now seeking further feedback from the community.
Community consultation opens this week on the Council's Your Voice Your Launceston website and will close on February 12, 2021.
Relbia residents will also receive hard copy surveys in coming days.
Launceston Mayor Albert van Zetten said the consultation was aimed at understanding what Relbia residents valued about their suburb, and their thoughts on its priorities for the future.
"We already know from past consultation that Relbia residents love the area's rural setting, its proximity to nature, its wildlife, and scenic character," Mayor van Zetten said.
"And we also know while most residents are not supportive of broad-scale residential subdivisions in the future, that they do expect there will be some level of residential growth — how we manage that is what this process is seeking to understand.
"This is an opportunity for Relbia residents to have a direct say on the strategic priorities for their suburb, and I encourage them to make their voice heard."
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