Australia Day 2018
Published on 24 January 2018
Launceston will join towns and regions across the nation in welcoming our newest Australian citizens as part of Australia Day 2018 celebrations.
Twenty-seven new citizens from eight countries will pledge their loyalty to Australia and our people at the Albert Hall ceremony on January 26.
A special Music in the Park will also be held on January 26 from 12.30pm to 2.30pm featuring the City of Launceston RSL Band, with free activities for kids.
Launceston Mayor, Alderman Albert van Zetten said it was an opportunity to reflect on the importance of citizenship as a unifying bond strengthening the local community.
“Australia Day is a time for us to congratulate our newest citizens and welcome them to the Australian family,” Mayor van Zetten said.
Across Australia, almost 13,000 people from around 130 countries are set to become Australian citizens at more than 330 citizenship ceremonies on 26 January.
Mayor van Zetten said many conferees have lived in Australia for a long time and already feel Australian, but choose Australia Day to make their citizenship official.
An Australian citizenship affirmation ceremony will also be part of the celebration at the Albert Hall, enabling existing Australians to publicly express their national pride. Thousands of Australians are also expected to affirm their citizenship, bringing communities together in regional and metropolitan Australia.
“We encourage you to come and join in on the local celebrations this Australia Day, as we all reflect on our commitment to make Australia an even better place for future generations,” Mayor van Zetten said.