Are you interested in becoming an Alderman for the City of Launceston?
Published on 22 May 2018
The Local Government Association of Tasmania is hosting three regional information sessions on what it means to become a candidate for election to Local Government.
All-in Local Government elections will be held across Tasmania in October.
The information sessions will provide a valuable opportunity for potential candidates to learn what it means to be an elected member and understand community expectations and the roles and responsibilities of becoming an alderman.
The information sessions will be held from 6pm-8pm at the following locations:
5 June – Gnomon Pavilion
The Wharf, Ulverstone
6 June – Tamar Function Centre
West Tamar Council, Riverside
13 June – Elizabeth St Function Centre, Hobart Town Hall
Elizabeth St, Hobart
LGAT CEO, Dr Katrena Stephenson said participants will have the opportunity find out more about the roles and functions of mayors, aldermen and councillors, eligibility requirements, the election process, rules around campaigning as well as ask questions of current councillors about their roles and experiences.
“The Local Government Association of Tasmania, the Local Government Division and the Tasmanian Electoral Commission are also updating a range of materials on their websites and these will be available from the end of May. The LGAT website is a good starting point and will link to a range of external resources”.
To reserve a place at the information forums, please contact the Local Government Association of Tasmania on 6233 5966, or email