$12.7m Federal investment secured for Princess Theatre project

Published on 16 January 2025

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City of Launceston Mayor Matthew Garwood has welcomed a $12.7m investment from the Federal Government earmarked for a major redevelopment of the Princess Theatre and Earl Arts Centre Complex.


The commitment was announced in Launceston yesterday as part of the Federal Government's Growing Regions Program.


Mayor Garwood said the $30m redevelopment of the Princess Theatre and Earl Arts Centre Complex was planned for 2026, with the project being designed by renowned architectural firm Lovell Chen.

"The project aims to improve both the Princess Theatre and Earl Arts Centre for patrons, performers, hirers and staff by making the complex more accessible and compliant with contemporary building standards," Mayor Garwood said.


"The total seating capacity of the Earl Arts Centre will be increased, and its name will change to the Earl Street Theatre.


"This cultural icon is a much-loved institution in Launceston, and the city welcomes the significant investment from the Federal Government under the Growing Regions Program to ensure it remains an asset for Launceston long into the future."


Mayor Garwood said the Princess Theatre and Earl Arts Centre Complex redevelopment was one of five identified Strategic Priority Projects that the Council was progressing on behalf of its community.


"These are multi-generational infrastructure projects identified by the City of Launceston that will be fundamental in our journey to becoming one of Australia’s great regional cities," he said.


"They include the redevelopment of the NTCA Sports Complex, the second stage of the Launceston City Heart Project, the development of a Collections Discovery Centre at the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, and a new indoor sport, entertainment and recreation complex at UTAS Stadium.


"The City of Launceston is working hard on behalf of its community to advocate for these projects with political parties in the lead-up to this year's federal election, and to take advantage of existing funding programs at a State and Federal level to move these critical projects forward."



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