Vegetation management

Weed management

The City of Launceston operates a seasonal weed spraying program to control weeds in our public spaces, recreation areas and streets.

Weed management is a big challenge across Australia, and Launceston is no different. It is paramount that all effective and safe weed management options are available for Council’s land management operations to avoid environmental and infrastructure damage, loss of biodiversity and loss of community amenity.

We take advantage of still weather conditions and less busy times of the day to undertake this program — this means you may sometimes see our staff or contractors at work at night or in the early hours of the morning.

The Code of Practice for Spraying in Public Places is governed by State legislation by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania, which requires all spray operators to comply with the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Act 1995 and the regulations and orders made under that Act. 

We understand the community has different views about weed spraying. The City of Launceston maintains a 'No Spray Register' for anyone who does not want weed spraying conducted on areas adjacent or neighbouring their property.

Under the code, property owners who request the Council to desist from spraying areas adjacent or neighbouring their property on public land must prepare a proposed pest control plan detailing how they intend to control the problem themselves. The plan must be approved by the Council and carried out in a timely manner. If the issue is not dealt with satisfactorily, the Council may resume responsibility for the maintenance of the land using chemical products if necessary.

While we are paying close attention to emerging weed control technologies, our current weed spraying program involves the use of diluted Glyphosate products that are registered with the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA), which are applied by trained competent staff in accordance with the label instructions, complying with the National code of practise for spraying in public places.

No Spray Register

The City of Launceston understands that some residents do not wish for herbicides to be used on areas adjacent or neighbouring their property.

The Council therefore maintains a register of residents who prefer to control weeds adjacent to their properties by other means.

To register for the City of Launceston's No Spray Register, residents must consider and outline how they will control weeds through alternative methods.

Further information on weeds and relevant control measures can be found on the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania website: Weeds Indexes | Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (

Register online