Sustainability Projects

Below are key projects Council has undertaken to promote sustainability.  For more details about how Council is working on reducing energy and greenhouse gas emissions, visit the Sustainability Strategies and Plans page

Water Efficiency Program

The City of Launceston is undertaking a water efficiency program to better understand water usage across high water use assets. Data loggers were installed on 20 water meters to log usage at 15 min intervals. Data will be used to understand water usage and patterns, compare against industry benchmarks and provide recommendations to prioritise sites for future detailed assessment and investigation.

The City of Launceston aims to reduce overall water consumption and explore the use of alternative water sources for servicing and maintaining Council assets (e.g. sporting grounds and recreational areas). 

Sustainable Fleet Transition

Since 2012, the City of Launceston has been working hard to reduce fuel consumption across fleet vehicles and plant through implementing actions including the prioritisation of purchasing zero emission vehicles and plant, and fuel efficient and low tailpipe emission vehicles.

The Council purchased its first electric vehicle (EV) for the fleet in 2019. They added more EVs in 2020 and 2024. In 2023, the Council introduced its first heavy EV (truck) into the fleet, which was a significant milestone as it’s the first time an EV truck has been used in Tasmanian local government

In 2023 a trial was launched with an electric bike and electric scooter for Council staff to use as an option when travelling between sites. Initial uptake has been impressive with feedback suggesting that most trips would have otherwise been taken using a vehicle.

Over recent years, Council has commenced the replacement of minor plant with electric alternatives such as street cleaners, mowers, blowers and trimmers.

Public Electric Vehicle (EV) Chargers

In 2018, Council installed Tasmania’s first publicly accessible EV fast charging station, a 50kw DC charger located at the Paterson Street East car park, 1-15 Paterson Street. The Paterson Street East car park also features a 22kw AC destination charger to give extra capacity and redundancy. Further EV Chargers were installed at the Paterson Street West and York Street Car Parks in 2019 providing more options for residents and visitors to the city. In 2022 a further 4 AC destination chargers were installed, Riverbend Park, Inveresk Precinct, Lilydale Pool and at the Cataract Gorge Basin car park.

View all electric vehicle chargers available for public use by visiting

Single use plastics policy

In 2020, the City of Launceston adopted a new policy for phasing out single use plastics at events, markets and other activities on Council-managed land, as well as at facilities like UTAS Stadium. Events such as Festivale and the Launceston Harvest Market have moved to compostable packaging, along with many local eateries and cafes.

Energy efficiency and street light upgrades

Since 2008, energy efficiency projects have been rolled out across facilities of high energy usage including upgrading lighting to LEDs, installation of smart control systems and pump motor regulation. The City of Launceston replaced over 4,800 streetlights and public area lighting with LEDs.

Landfill gas capture system

In 2007, the City of Launceston commissioned Australia's first landfill gas capture project at the Launceston Waste Centre.

The system is capable of exporting approximately 18,000MW hours of energy each year, powering 2,500 homes in the local community and abating around 50,000 tCO2e each year. The project generates Large-Scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) and was declared an Eligible Offset Project under the Emission Reduction Fund (ERF).

In 2023, a new landfill cell was integrated into the existing methane gas capture system increasing the gas capture capacity.

FOGO collection and organics processing facility

The City of Launceston's food organic and garden organic (FOGO) collection is the state's largest FOGO kerbside collection service. Our dedicated organics processing facility at the Launceston Waste Centre processes the region's FOGO waste and produces compost which provides ongoing value in soil enhancement and land rehabilitation. Compost produced from FOGO waste keeps the material in circulation and is a true example of the circular economy. 

The aerobic composting of organic waste reduces emissions while diverting nutrients from the site. Each tonne of organic waste disposed of as landfill and broken down by anaerobic processes releases approximately two tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) of greenhouse gases (mostly in the form of methane).

Launceston Aquatic Centre fossil fuel gas transition

A key step in moving the City of Launceston towards zero emissions is transitioning away from fossil fuel gas powered facilities. The City of Launceston successfully transitioned the Launceston Leisure and Aquatic Centre (LAC), Council's largest energy-consuming facility, off gas to electrification.

The works included the installation of a rooftop 99kW solar array, a CO2 domestic hot water heat pump, and two high-efficiency heat pumps for LAC heating. Since the transition, the LAC has achieved significant financial and environment goals, and showcased our commitment to emissions reduction.

Launceston Leisure & Aquatic Centre fossil fuel gas transition.jpg

Image: The two new 600kW heat pumps

The project reduced the Council's emissions footprint by approximately1,400-1,600 tCO2e, as well as reducing energy expenditure by $200,000, with a net savings of $650,000 over the following 12 month period. Furthermore, the project facilitated the employment of local contractors to maintain plant and equipment, whereas previously required interstate specialists.

Launceston Leisure & Aquatic Centre fossil fuel gas transition heat pump

Image: The new buffer tank.

Town Hall end of trip facility

In 2023, the City of Launceston opened an end of trip facility aimed at supporting staff to participate in sustainable and active transport (e.g. walking, running, or cycling) to and from work. The new facility aligns with the Councils' value of "going home safe and well", promoting better mental and physical health of employees. The facility is also accessibility inclusive. 

Sustainability features of the end of trip facility include:

  • Foundational layer containing concrete excavations from the demolition phase
  • Recycled car tyre flooring
  • Windows and ventilation designed to promote natural heating/cooling and minimise demand for mechanical facilities
  • Unisex facilities to reduce the overall footprint
  • Sensor lighting
  • Thermal and acoustic insulation.
City of Launceston End of Trip Facilities, lockers.

Image: Staff lockers located in the City of Launceston end of trip facilities.

City of Launceston End of Trip Facilities, secure bike storage.

Image: Secure bike racks located in the City of Launceston end of trip facilities.

Compactor fuel reduction project

In 2018, the City of Launceston implemented a major fuel reduction project at the landfill site through the introduction of a GPS-based guidance system. The guidance system enables drivers to easily navigate heavy waste compactors to areas of the landfill cell that require compaction. This targeted operation of compaction has resulted in an annual reduction of 20,000 litres of fuel and 54 tCO2e.