City Deal Commitments

City Deal vision: By 2027, Launceston will be one of Australia’s most liveable and innovative regional cities.

The City Deal commitments are categorised in domains and maximise Launceston’s potential through targeted investment.


Two major commitments will cut across all domains for action:


Summary of Commitments


 The City of Launceston is the project lead for six City Deal commitments:

  1. Implement the City Heart project
  2. Develop and deliver the My Place My Future (Northern Suburbs Revitalisation Plan)
  3. Provide work experience for disadvantaged youth and deliver Work Discovery
  4. Increase in-fill development in the CBD
  5. Deliver an updated plan for the Central City
  6. Deliver a Launceston Cultural Strategy to enrich local culture, activities and events, promoting the city as a year-round tourist destination and strengthening community pride and belonging.