Emergency Management Hub


 The City of Launceston is dedicated to ensuring its residents are well prepared in times of emergency and natural disasters. 

The City of Launceston plays an important role in managing the impacts of disasters within our municipality. We work closely with emergency services, state government and community organisations before, during and after disasters to share important information. While the City of Launceston is not responsible for responding to most emergencies, we are responsible for ensuring that our community has access to information and resources to help prepare for and recover from a disaster.

Preparing for a disaster is everyone's responsibility and our Emergency Management Hub has important information to help you understand your risks and how you can efficiently prepare for emergency events.

Our Emergency Management Hub will help you and your family prepare and plan for different types of emergencies before they occur. The first step is to understand your risk, then make your plan.

During an emergency event, this hub will provide direction on where to find information about the status of an emergency and where to seek out help, such as information about evacuation centres and emergency services. During an event, seek out information from the stay informed and stay safe during a disaster page.

Following an emergency event, this hub will provide information and guidance during recovery including information on grants, support services and recovery resources. At this stage, helpful and up-to-date information will be available via the recover after a disaster page.

As a community, the first thing to do to get #ReadyTogether is to create a plan for your home, family, pets, and/or business. To get started, explore the resources on the Understand your risk page to determine what types of emergencies or disasters you might face based on where you live and/or work. 

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