Strategic Plan

The City of Launceston's Strategic Plan(PDF, 2MB) has been designed to provide direction for the Council as the major provider of services and facilities in Northern Tasmania. 

This document is a key part of our Strategic Planning Framework. The Corporate Strategic Plan (CSP) sets out our long-term strategic priorities, goals, and focus areas to provide us with direction that will guide resource allocation and decision making in our organisation. The CSP is informed by our community’s vision for the future of our municipality, as captured in the Greater Launceston Plan (GLP). The CSP also recognises the central role that we play in providing critical services and support to our community. Along with effective advocacy and representation, we provide leadership in facing the key challenges and opportunities that influence the liveability, prosperity and sustainability of our City and region.

The Local Government Act 1993 (Tas) requires us to prepare a strategic plan for a (minimum) 10- year period and review it at least every four years1 . This CSP is an update of CoL’s Strategic Plan 2014- 2024. This review has been timed to complement the 2018 local government elections, with a view to synchronising our next strategic plan and subsequent reviews to the local government election cycle. The CSP cannot be read without understanding its contextual relationship to the GLP. Along with a range of other important functions and responsibilities of our organisation, the CSP responds to the overarching community vision set out in the GLP.