Greater Launceston Plan

Tamar Seaport Rob Burnett LCC Copyright

The Greater Launceston Plan(PDF, 67MB) is a comprehensive outline of the social, economic and environmental status of our municipality and surrounding areas. 

Greater Launceston Plan 2014 vision: 

"Sustainable prosperity for greater Launceston will be achieved by consolidating and building nationally and internationally recognised strategic advantages for the region through a focus on creativity and innovation, maintaining exceptional environmental and liveability qualities and ensuring a diverse, connected and inclusive region"

The Greater Launceston Plan was initiated as a major strategic project in 2014 to develop a unified and holistic approach and coordinate the long-term planning and development of the Greater Launceston sub-region.  This sub-region includes the City of Launceston, George Town Council, Meander Valley Council, Northern Midlands Council and West Tamar Council.

Based on community input, the 2014 Greater Launceston Plan provides a long-term strategy for sustainable planning and management to inform a coordinated approach for municipal planning and investment in the Greater Launceston.

Following a review in 2023, the sub-region municipalities agreed to revise the Greater Launceston Plan to provide an updated, evidence-based approach to understand the changed policy context for Greater Launceston. The review also highlighted the value of collaboration and a coordinated approach as being crucial to the delivery and implementation of the Greater Launceston Plan.

Currently in the drafting stage, the revised Greater Launceston Plan will provide the structure for effective and efficient decision making to deliver outcomes that benefit the community at a sub-regional level. The governance framework will guide implementation through coordinated investment and planning to improve access and outcomes in employment, housing, health, education and liveability for our communities and a shared channel for advocacy.

For more information about the Greater Launceston Plan, we have a range of detailed reports available:

Greater Launceston Plan(PDF, 67MB)

Greater Launceston Plan Vision Statement(PDF, 1019KB)

Greater Launceston Plan Summary(PDF, 26MB)


Please contact us if you'd like more detail.