
City of Launceston Street View

If you own a property in the Launceston municipality, you will be required to pay council rates, which are a property tax levied to fund a range of services that benefit the local community.

Each year rates are set by estimating the annual cost of services, infrastructure and projects needing to be funded. Our Rates Officers and Finance Department then estimate how much revenue will be received as grants from the State and Federal Governments, as well as Council-issued fees. The balance of the expenditure is funded from rates and charges.

The Council manages more than $1.4 billion of community assets. So essentially, the rates you pay are an investment in your local services and facilities.

Rates, as well as applicable fees and charges, fund services including but not limited to:
  • Air quality and climate change
  • Public toilets
  • Parking
  • Flood mitigation
  • Immunisation
  • Roads, footpaths and cycle ways
  • Street lighting

Launceston rates include a General Rate and Charge, as well as a Waste Management Charge. A State Government Waste Levy (Offset) also applies from 1 July 2022 in order to reimburse Council for the State Government Waste Levy. The Council also collects a Fire Service rate on behalf of the State Fire Commission. For more detail on these rates and charges please see Types of Rates. Rights and responsibilities of ratepayers and the City of Launceston are detailed in Part 9 of the Local Government Act 1993.

See our Rates and Charges Policy(PDF, 137KB)Rates and Charges Brochure(PDF, 1MB) or contact us for more information.