Cr Tim Walker


Term expires as Councillor: 2026

First elected: 2018

Councillor Tim Walker was elected to Launceston Council in 2018. In a diverse career including journalism, teaching, carpentry and set building, a support worker, event manager and political adviser.
He sees Launceston as one of the great small cities in the world, with the potential to become even better: connected, equitable and sustainable.
He has an active interest in our built heritage, arts, environment and outdoor activities.

Tim knows Launceston faces big challenges in terms of population growth, traffic management and housing availability and affordability, and looks forward to working with the broader community to find long-term solutions that are sustainable.
These include improving public transport options and dedicated cycleways, encouraging affordable and sustainable housing, improving resource recycling and reuse, developing a meaningful, ongoing relationship with the Tasmanian Aboriginal community, improving the kanamaluka/Tamar Estuary and our other waterways, supporting local fresh food security, and championing thoughtful urban development that does not detract from our enviable and unique community lifestyle.

Tim is currently Chair of three committees; the Cataract Gorge Advisory Committee, the Homelessness Advisory Committee, and the Cultural Advisory Committee.
He is a member of the Audit Panel, the Tender Review Committee and the Economic Development Working Group.
He considers it an honour to serve the City of Launceston as a Councillor, and is always available to hear from you about your ideas or concerns for our community.


Special Committees: Audit Panel, Cataract Gorge Advisory Committee (Chair), Cultural Advisory Group (Chair), Homelessness Advisory Committee (Chair) and Tender Review Committee

External Committees: Economic Development Working Group