Cr George Razay


Term expires as Councillor: 2026

First elected: 2022

Prof. Razay’s research has contributed greatly to increasing our understanding of the risk factors and treatment of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
His research was the first to report: a) the link between obesity, abdominal obesity, the metabolic syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease; b) improvement in cognitive and physical functioning following exercise in Alzheimer’s disease and; c) the high incidence of idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus, a treatable form of dementia that is often misdiagnosed and that can be treated with shunt surgery which improves cognition, balance, and gait.

Prof. Razay was active in raising funds for the Clifford Craig Foundation and provided education to the community through regular public lectures and media interviews. He was also the Patron of B4X (Before X generation) group (2005-2010), whose main aims included promoting healthy living and raising funding for medical research.

He was the Tasmanian representative in the Clinical Reference Group of the Australian Health Minister’s Advisory Council Care of Older Australians Working Group in 2003-04.
He was also a member of the Clinical Reference Group for Tasmania Dementia Care Plan 2000 and beyond, and also participated in a state-wide review of geriatric and rehabilitation services in 2002.

Prof Razay is proud to serve the Launceston City as a councillor. His campaign goals included promoting a healthy and active community, combating traffic congestion and air pollution, supporting the homeless people, improving the Tamar River, revitalising the city centre, promoting respect for our seniors and supporting the young generation.


Special Committees: Launceston City Heart Reference Group and Homelessness Advisory Committee