Term expires as Councillor: 2026
First elected: 2014
Andrea Dawkins was elected to City of Launceston in 2014, leading to a stint in state parliament from 2015 to 2018. Councillor Dawkins also has over 20 years in small business and six years in the not-for-profit sector.
Her strengths are in social enterprise, place-making and animal welfare.
In her 2022 campaign, Andrea highlighted the need to reduce pollution in the valley. Having moved a successful joint motion, council is now developing a Clean Air Strategy as a matter of priority.
Regulation on removing of single-use-plastics from our local government area has somewhat stalled after Councillor Dawkins’ successful motion to phase out their use. As the environmental impacts of the products that replaced single-use-plastics are unfolding, another solution is being sought by the industry with urgency.
Councillor Dawkins continues to raise the importance of furthering investigations regarding confining cats to property for biosecurity and safety reasons.
Councillor Dawkins continues to bring the voices of the broader community to the council table with recent motions to develop an Inclusion Strategy and the importance of imbedding child safety practices into every aspect of City of Launceston’s operations in the wake of the Commission of Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse in Tasmania.
In 2023, Councillor Dawkins was inducted to the Tasmanian Honour Roll for Women for service to community, advocacy and inclusion; government and public service.
Andrea also serves as the CEO of RSPCA Tasmania.
Special Committees: Access Advisory Committee
External Committees: Newstead College Association