
Contact us  

After hours assistance 

  • After hours emergencies involving Council facilities: 03 6323 3333
  • After hours emergency dog attacks: Tasmania Police 131 444
  • Stray or lost dogs: please see our Stray Dogs page.
 Report an issue
  • Report an issue: If you would like to advise us of any issue within the municipality, please complete our online Report an Issue form.
  • Snap Send Solve: A free application for smartphones that allows you to quickly report issues to Council. Your report is sent from the app using your email address so that the council can respond directly to you to solve the issue. To install, simply search for Snap Send Solve in Apple's app storeGoogle Play or visit the website.  
Services to offer further assistance

The City of Launceston is National Relay Service (NRS) friendly. If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can call us through the National Relay Service and ask to be connected to 03 6323 3000

TTY users can call 13 36 77. Speak and listen (speech-to-speech) users can call 1300 555 727. To make other relay calls, visit the National Relay Service.  

Customer Service Charter