
Contact us  

After hours assistance 

  • After hours emergencies involving Council facilities: 03 6323 3333
  • After hours emergency dog attacks: Tasmania Police 131 444
  • Stray or lost dogs: please see our Stray Dogs page.
 Report an issue
  • Report an issue: If you would like to advise us of any issue within the municipality, please complete our online Report an Issue form.
  • Snap Send Solve: A free application for smartphones that allows you to quickly report issues to Council. Your report is sent from the app using your email address so that the council can respond directly to you to solve the issue. To install, simply search for Snap Send Solve in Apple's app storeGoogle Play or visit the website.  
Services to offer further assistance

The City of Launceston is National Relay Service (NRS) friendly. If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can call us through the National Relay Service and ask to be connected to 03 6323 3000

TTY users can call 13 36 77. Speak and listen (speech-to-speech) users can call 1300 555 727. To make other relay calls, visit the National Relay Service.  

Customer Service Charter

Purpose and Scope

The City of Launceston Customer Service Charter applies to our customers who can be anyone including individuals, families, carers, groups or organisations that have dealings, alliances or partnerships with council or its venues and facilities, including the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Launceston Leisure and Aquatic Centre, University of Tasmania Stadium and the Launceston Visitor Information Centre. 


We adhere to the Vision, Purpose and Values of the City of Launceston. 


Our Customer Service Charter details the City of Launceston's service standards and explains what you as our customer can do if we have not delivered a service to that standard.

Our Charter has been developed to further build and enhance relationships and partnerships with our community and customers and to provide a system for continuous improvement in customer service delivery. We welcome any feedback on our services and facilities.

Please contact us with any feedback on our services and facilities.  

Please help us by:

  • Providing accurate, timely and relevant information.
  • Treating staff with respect and dignity.
  • Respecting the rights of other customers.
  • Respecting community property.
  • Providing us with constructive and honest feedback

Customer Behaviour:

Our employees work hard to provide services and respond to queries and are entitled to feel safe and respected while at work. Customers who display aggressive, abusive or inappropriate behaviour can be refused service and may have to make their enquiry by other means.

What you can expect from us

Our principles relating to customer service are to:

  • Listen.
  • Treat you with dignity and respect.
  • Be fair and honest.
  • Provide clear and accurate information.
  • Seek to resolve your request at first contact.
  • Respect and maintain your privacy and confidentiality.
  • Respect cultural diversity.
  • Keep you informed.


The City of Launceston's Customer Relationship Management system has five response priority levels.  When you make contact with us we will let you know what level your request has been assigned.

They are:

  • Urgent - Immediate action required (same day)
  • High - Next working day response required
  • Medium - Response required by 10 working days
  • Low - Response required by 20 working days
  • Scheduled Greater than 20 days in line with scheduled work.




Council-wide Customer Service

Answer your telephone call


Return your call

Within 1 working day unless otherwise specified

Acknowledge your communication (please note, if a detailed reply is required it may take additional time to research; we will let you know if this is the case)

Within 10 working days

Action formal complaints (provided in writing)

Acknowledge within 3 working days with an estimate of the date by which a detailed response will be provided

Notify you as soon as practical if there is a delay on our service commitment to you


Provide after-hours service for emergencies


Endeavour to refer you to an appropriate service provider if Council cannot provide the service you require


A counter service queuing time of less than

10 minutes

Confidentiality of your personal information


Reasons for our decisions whether they are agreeable to you or not


To be seen on time if you have an appointment


Acknowledgement and advise how we will handle your written enquiries


10 working days

Animal Control

Respond to emergency dog attacks*

24 hours a day

Respond to routine dog complaints

3 working days

* For safety reasons, Council only responds to after-hours emergency dog attacks where Tasmania Police has requested assistance. Council is not able to respond to after-hours calls about stray or lost dogs


Process a building permit

Within 7 working days

Undertake building inspections

Within 2 working days

Process a plumbing permit

Within 21 working days

Undertake plumbing inspections

Within 2 working days

Provide applicants with an initial review of decisions



Respond to drainage emergencies

24 hours a day

Respond to seepage/drainage problems

Within 10 working days

Environmental Health

Respond to food complaints

48 hours

Respond to urgent environmental nuisances and high-risk public health matters

24 hours a day

Inspect registered food premises

Every 3-24 months*

Conduct immunisation clinics


Conduct school immunisation clinics


* as determined by the Tasmanian Food Business Risk-Classification System - Food Business Inspection Frequency Food_Business_Inspection_Frequency_RCS_guide_DoHTasmania.pdf (  


Payment of accounts

By due date

Respond to rates enquiries

Within 10 working days

Fire Hazards

Respond to fire hazard notifications (during permit period)

Within 5 working days


 Legislative Requirements Always

Review our Strategic Plan

Every 5 years

Publish Annual Report

Every November

Have Council Meeting Agenda available

4 days prior to the meeting

Human Resources

Acknowledge receipt of job applications

Within 10 working days

Provide outcomes of job applications

Within 10 working days

Planning/Sub Division

Respond to a planning query email/letter

Within 5 working days

Lodge a received planning application

Within 1 working day

 Process a planning application  42 statutory* days
 Process a permitted application  28 statutory* days
*defined as all days between lodgement of a valid application and decision making (excluding days where further requests are outstanding)


Inspect, assess and respond to requests about potholes, edge breaks and cracks

Within 10 working days

Grade unsealed roads

Minimum of once per year

Attend to identified damaged street furniture

Within 10 working days

Road sweeping of Council owned roads with kerb and gutter

Every 2 months


Garbage collection


Recyclables collection


Provide new or replacement wheelie bins

Within 5 working days

 FOGO collection  Fortnightly
 Parks and Reserves
Inspect, assess and respond to requests in relation to park maintenance Within 10 working days
Urban parks / sportsground maintenance  Fortnightly
Inspect, assess and respond to requests in relation to tree maintenance Within 10 working days
Urban tree inspection and maintenance  Annually
Inspect, assess and respond to requests in relation to playground maintenance Within 10 working days
Playground inspection and maintenance 3 monthly
An emergency is regarded as an issue relating to Council property or practices that may threaten life or property or one that may cause environmental harm. Within 2 hours

Contacting us

In person  

Customer Service Centre

Town Hall, 18-28 St John Street

Launceston TAS 7250

Open: Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 5:00pm


Customer Service Centre

03 6323 3000


City of Launceston

PO Box 396

Launceston TAS 7250

 Fax  03 6323 3001
After hours  After hours emergencies involving City of Launceston facilities: 03 6323 3333


After hours emergency dog attacks: Tasmania Police 131 444


National Relay Service


The City of Launceston is National Relay Service (NRS) friendly.  If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can call us through the NRS and ask to be connected to 03 6323 3000

TTY users can call 13 36 77. Speak and listen (speech-to-speech) users can call 1300 555 727. To make other relay calls, visit the NRS.

Snap Send Solve

Snap Send Solve is a free application for smartphones that allows you to quickly report issues to City of Launceston.  Your report is sent from the app using your email address so that the City of Launceston can respond directly to you to solve the issue. 

To install, simply search for Snap Send Solve in Apple's app store or visit


Contact details for each Councillor is located on our website

Or call the Customer Service Centre on 03 6323 3000.

Community Engagement

We are committed to ensuring that as many people as possible who are affected by decisions of the Council have the opportunity to be consulted about their needs and concerns prior to the decision being made.  


Visit the City of Launceston's website for online services, latest news and notifications, and Council's meeting agendas and minutes.


Accessibility menu logo

Look for this symbol to locate our website's accessibility menu. A translation service and screen reader are available on our website for those requiring assistance.

Tomorrow Together Tomorrow Together is the online consultation platform Council uses where you can have your say on key initiatives.
Council meeting live streaming

In the interests of openness and transparency and encouraging community involvement in decision making, the audio from every Council meeting, except for matters dealt with in closed session, is streamed live to the internet and stored on our YouTube channel  

Council meetings

Council meetings commence on the fourth Thursday of January and then occur fortnightly. We welcome your attendance to ask a question on any matter relating to Council; or to speak for a maximum of two minutes on any item listed on the agenda. Agendas and minutes can be found at


To ask a question or speak at the Council meeting we ask that you please register before the meeting begins. This helps us ensure we minute your attendance correctly. Forms are available outside the entrance to the Council Chambers, and Council Officers will be available to help.

Follow us on social media

Stay informed about issues, news and feedback opportunities relating to the municipality by following City of Launceston.

Facebook -

LinkedIn -


Council’s Customer Service Centre is your first point of contact for all enquiries, compliments, and complaints. If your complaint is urgent or safety related, please contact us via phone so we are notified about it as soon as possible.

Formal complaints requiring a response should be provided in writing to the addresses above so they can be directed to the appropriate person for investigation. You will receive a confirmation that your complaint has been received and when to expect a written response, this is determined by the severity and complexity of the issue but we will always provide you with an estimated time to achieve a resolution. The responsible person may contact you via phone during this time to aid their investigation. Our Complaints Handling Procedure provides more detail about this process.

Definition of complaint

 It is important to note that a complaint is not an enquiry, request or disagreement

  • Enquiry: Appeal for information
  • Request: Appeal for assistance and action
  • Disagreement: Conflicting opinion to a policy or the direction of City of Launceston.
  • Complaint: A complaint exists when there is a gap between the service provided and the customer's expectation. A complaint exists when a customer initiate's further contact after an initial service has been provided and expresses dissatisfaction with the initial service provided.

It is necessary to differentiate between service provided and services available.  If a service is not available or provided by City of Launceston then this not a Complaint - it is a suggestion for future services expansion.

Experience has shown that the majority of complaints will be satisfactorily resolved, however if you are unhappy with the outcomes you may ask for a review of your complaint by the Chief Executive Officer, who will investigate your complaint and inform you of the findings.

A summary of complaints, including the number and nature, is provided annually to Councillors.

If there is insufficient evidence to action an issue we will not take any further action and your complaint will be closed. In some circumstances you may be required to resolve a dispute privately or via legal proceedings, if this is the case you will be informed by our officers that Council cannot assist further.

There is also the Ombudsman who may review actions and decisions taken by the City of Launceston. The Ombudsman is responsible to Parliament for investigating complaints made about administrative actions (or inactions) of Tasmanian Government Departments, most Statutory Authorities and Local Government.  Visit the Ombudsman's website for more information and how to get in contact.

Please help us by:

  • Providing accurate, timely and relevant information.
  • Treating staff with respect and dignity.
  • Respecting the rights of other customers.
  • Respecting community property.
  • Providing us with constructive and honest feedback

Customer Behaviour:

Our employees work hard to provide services and respond to queries and are entitled to feel safe and respected while at work. Customers who display aggressive, abusive or inappropriate behaviour can be refused service and may have to make their enquiry by other means.


In accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, section 339F (4), this policy is to be reviewed within 12 months of a Council election.

If you would like a PDF version of the Customer Service Charter or if you have any questions, please contact us