
The City of Launceston SmartCard is a way for eligible pensioners living within the Launceston municipality to access key Council facilities including the Launceston Waste Centre, Nunamara and Lilydale Waste Transfer Stations and multi-storey car parks.


The size of a standard credit card, the SmartCard will give eligible pensioners access to concession visits at the Waste Centre and multistorey car parks. 


Am I eligible for a SmartCard?

Pensioners who hold a PCC (Pensioner Concession Card) or a DVA (Department of Veterans Affairs card) with the letters ‘TPI’ or the words ‘War Widow’ and live in the Launceston Municipality. Waste concession is available per household, parking concession is available per eligible pensioner.  Health Care Card (HCC) holders are not eligible.

How do I get a SmartCard?

In 2016, one household SmartCard was sent to the pensioner who receives the rates remission. This SmartCard (when activated) is used for concession entry to the Launceston Waste Centre. 

From 1 May 2017, this Smartcard will store pensioner parking concession information and can be used in the Council’s multi-storey carparks. Other eligible pensioner card holders at the property may be eligible for a SmartCard with the parking concession only. 

If you are an eligible pensioner and you live in the municipality, visit the Customer Service Centre in the Town Hall with your pension card to receive your SmartCard.

How do I use the SmartCard?

Your SmartCard must be activated by visiting our Customer Service Centre with your eligible pensioner card and residential address. 


For eligible individuals, the concession is one free entry once a week to a valid multi-storey car park for up to 3 hours, Monday to Saturday between 9am and 3.30pm. Parking is free between 3.30pm and 5.30pm.When you visit a car park, you must use your SmartCard at the Entry, Pay Machine and Exit. 


Waste Centre: 

The SmartCard entitles the cardholder to $80 of domestic waste disposal. This credit is valid from 1 July to 30 June the following year and can be used at Launceston Waste Centre, Nunamara or Lilydale Waste Transfer Stations. The minimum entry fee is $15.50.

When you visit the Launceston Waste Centre, you must present your SmartCard upon entering and exiting the weighbridge.  Once disposal is compete, the officer at the exit will take the SmartCard and deduct the appropriate credit from your SmartCard balance. 

What if I move house?

If you change your address, please let us know immediately so we can update your details. 



If you have questions about the City of Launceston Smart Card, please contact our Customer Service Centre.