
Senior residents have a lot to offer the Launceston municipality — their experience and knowledge, as well as their social contribution, help make our city an even better place to call home or visit.

The City of Launceston SmartCard

The City of Launceston SmartCard is a way for eligible pensioners living within the Launceston municipality to access key Council facilities including the Launceston Waste Centre, Nunamara and Lilydale Waste Transfer Stations and multi-storey car parks.

Pensioners who hold a PCC (Pensioner Concession Card) or a DVA (Department of Veterans Affairs card) with the letters ‘TPI’ or the words ‘War Widow’ and live in the Launceston Municipality. Waste concession is available per household, parking concession is available per eligible pensioner. Health Care Card (HCC) holders are not eligible.

Learn more about the City of Launceston SmartCard.

City of Launceston SmartCard

Resources & Support

COTA Tasmania
COTA Tasmania is an organisation that promotes, improves and protects the wellbeing of older people in Australia.
COTA Tasmania Website

Find Help TAS
Find Help TAS is a free, online directory with over 900 services that support the health and wellbeing of Tasmanians and our communities.
Find Help TAS