ABCDE Learning Sites

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The City of Launceston has been working with the Invermay community since July 2022 over an 18-month period, implementing Launceston's sixth ABCDE Learning Site. 

Learning Sites enable communities to identify their assets, build connections and create change in the heart of the community. The approach is about focusing on ‘what’s strong, not what’s wrong’. The Council has collaborated with Bank of I.D.E.A.S to deliver six Asset Based Community Driven Effort (ABCDE) Learning Sites:

  • Invermay 2022 - 2023
  • Kings Meadows 2021 - 2022
  • Youngtown 2020 - 2021
  • Mowbray 2019 - 2020
  • Ravenswood in 2018
  • Rocherlea 2016 - 2017


The City of Launceston worked with the Invermay community since July 2022 over an 18-month period, implementing Launceston's sixth ABCDE Learning Site. 

Reach out, say hello and get involved in the Invermay Learning Site

Learn more about the Invermay ABCDE Learning Site

If you would like to chat about your ideas and get involved in the Invermay ABCDE Learning Site or register for the community events  please contact Council's Community Connector.

Sarah McCormack, Community Connector
Phone 0428 109 948

Download the Invermay ABCDE Learning Site information card(PDF, 549KB).   

As one of the first local governments to embrace this strategy-based approach, the City of Launceston has worked with local leaders within the suburbs to identify, connect and mobilise their assets in order to take action, make positive change and directly shape their own community’s future.

How it works

The Learning Sites occur over a 12 - 18 month period based on eight touchstones.

The City of Launceston’s Community Connector for this period guides the community through the process.

8 Touchstones

  • Recruiting a community connector;
  • Finding a community builder team;
  • Hosting conversations to discover assets and what people care about;
  • Engaging local groups and associations;
  • Building connections through social interaction activities and shareable community opportunities;
  • Visioning and planning by asking 3 key questions:
    1. What can we do?

    2. What do we need outside help with?
    3. What do we need outside agencies to do for us?

  • Implementing change (doing and reviewing); and
  • Foster celebration.

Community Films

A Bright New Day in Invermay

St Finn Barr’s Catholic Primary School and Invermay Primary School collaboration with Action Crew.

An important part of every Learning Site is a student-led film project with the local school students, facilitated by Action Crew and produced by the Community Connector. The short ten minute film captured stories, connections, and hopes of the Invermay community in an interview style. The film was made over three days in a pop-up studio at Invermay Primary School with Evi and David from Action Crew who mentored grade five and six students from Invermay Primary School and St Finn Barr’s Catholic Primary School.

Action Crew inspires positive change in young people by feeling respected, active, visible, and valued in their communities. Evi and David guided the students through the process of how to create a short film, from script to production to using a simple setup in a pop up studio within the school. The film was launched in May 2023 at the Nuala O’Flaherty Auditorium at the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery. Watch 'A bright new day in Invermay' by pressing play below!



The Hidden Gems of Kings

A ten-minute film made by Action Crew and Kings Meadows High School students in November 2021 featuring the hidden gems of Kings Meadows.

Dear Youngtown, a letter to our community

The City of Launceston celebrated the Youngtown ABCDE learning site with this short film made by the fabulous students of Youngtown Primary School and Kings Meadows High School. In 3 days we trained up 3 film crews, made up of 20 students interviewing 18 talents. 

Dear Mowbray

As part of the Mowbray Learning Site, the following 'Dear Mowbray' short film was created. Evi van der Niet and David Adams from Action Crew visited Mowbray in October and mentored Mowbray Heights Primary School grade 5 students over three full days in how to make a film. Pop up crews learnt the roles of camera, sound and lighting operators and the interviewer role and told us it was one of the best days they had experienced.

The Ravenswood Reporters

As filmmakers we believe in the power of stories. We need stories like we need sunshine. They weave our lives together. They turn away our fears. We interviewed incredible people. Their stories all tell how Ravenswood has the heart, guts & courage to turn its potential into reality. 

Community Newsletters

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Join the ABCDE Learning Sites Newsletter to receive news and event information.

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Find the most recent and previous editions of the ABCDE Learning Sites Newsletter here: ABCDE Newsletters

Community and Event Grants

Each year the City of Launceston offers a wide range of Community Grant and Event Funding opportunities to support events and community initiatives across the city.

Learn more about available Community Grant Funding and Event Funding opportunities offered by City of Launceston.