City Heart Place Plan
The City Heart Place Plan represents the next phase of the Launceston City Heart Project, focusing on the area bounded approximately by Cimitiere, Wellington, Elizabeth and Tamar Streets.
The Place Plan defines the area’s future mixed-use character, open space and river walk connections, and how these link with neighbouring precincts. It is a key part of northern Tasmanians' vision for the future of Launceston's city centre.
This project seeks to create a people focused CBD for all seasons to support a day and night-time economy, increase dwell time, drive economic activity and foster social connection.
City Heart Place Plan(PDF, 24MB)
How was the Place Plan developed?
The Plan's proposals are founded in the results of Council's ongoing engagement with the community and key stakeholders from the themed engagement platform Tomorrow Together as well as through engagement undertaken during development of strategies such as the City of Launceston Urban Greening Strategy 2023- 2040 and the City of Launceston Transport Strategy 2020- 2040.
How is the Place Plan different from previous City Heart plans?
The Place Plan has been formulated in recognition of lessons learnt during the previous phase of City Heart Project including:
How will the Place Plan be used?
Council will use the Place Plan to prioritise projects, with actions incrementally building to long-term solutions. It will work through local partnerships and groups with ‘custodianship’ of outcomes, map out the staging for delivery of actions, short-term pathways to long-term changes, and continue ongoing engagement to fine-tune and advance this Place Plan as a ‘live document’.
City Heart Place Plan Projects
The following projects are being undertaken under the umbrella of the City Heart Place Plan:
George Street Parklets (Dining Decks)
The City of Launceston, in partnership with hospitality businesses will be trialling the installation of dining decks (also known as parklets) along George Street - between Cameron and Brisbane Streets.
The dining decks temporarily repurpose part of the road corridor, providing an outdoor dining space for hospitality businesses. They help create a more vibrant public space, encourage slower traffic, and invite people to spend more time in the area.
The trial will run from December 2024 through until March 2025.
For more information and to submit your feedback, please visit: George Street Outdoor Dining Deck Trial
If your business is interested in future opportunities, please register your expression of interest here: Dining Deck Expression of Interest (EOI)
Cameron Street Tree Planting
The City of Launceston is in the early planning stages for planting trees along Cameron Street. This project aligns with the Urban Greening Implementation Plan as a priority street for greening.